Chapter Twelve ✓

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Change of plans: I'm doing the nightmare sometime else. It's hard enough to try to write it. I got so far then gave up. So, this is still a pretty graphic chapter, including Anxiety Attacks, Self-Harm, Smoking, Abuse. Also, I feel bad for writing the enemy's name. My partner's name is Ethan. The enemy is Ethan Nakamura

Weeks Later, Once Your Bones Finally Healed

The feeling of finally being able to walk around without help (and any more training since your muscles had to get used to it again) was heaven. You've been able to easily avoid Ethan and Chloe, who seemed to team up with your mortal enemy, running away. You've been avoiding Adrien as well, as he had with you, so it was pretty easy to hide away, alone. Well, besides having Foxxie there with you, you were technically alone.

Stretching and sighing, you glared at the flashing lights on the clock and shut off the alarm. Time for your regular school routine. You had started despising school again, having to be seated next to Nathaniel and right behind Ethan, who sat beside Ivan. Luckily, Nathaniel wasn't much for conversation, leaving you to be quiet and not bothered with useless chatting. A soft scoff left your lips as you changed into baggy sweats, the ones you danced in mostly, a black Jack Daniels t-shirt, and grey jacket. Slipping into the black and white hi-tops, you grabbed your bag and called for Foxxie.

Sliding soundlessly out of your window and closing it, you gripped your bag's shoulder tightly and jumped down, running from roof to roof. You got halfway to where the school was before another person - Chat Noir to be exact - ran full force into you, knocking your bag off your arm and you onto the roof.

The two of you rolled from the force a few times, almost falling off the roof. Chat landed on top of you, straddling you the way you had when you first met him. His green eyes narrowed as he stared at your teal ones, brows furrowing in contemplation.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked in all seriousness.

You answered blankly, "Chat Noir."

"Behind the mask, smart-ass," he growled.

"How would I know who you are? Out of all the people I know, they act nothing like the selfish, narcissistic, fuck-up that's sitting on top of me." You snapped back.

His hands had grabbed your wrists when you moved to push him, holding them tightly above your head, lips curled into a snarl. "I'm none of those things and you fucking know it."

You mirrored his look. "Then fucking prove it. Prove that you're not a selfish, fucking narcissist because so far, you've been nothing like that towards me."

"I'm not-"

"All you fucking care about is Ladybug and the fucking Miraculous'! You've been nothing but shitty towards me and all I'm doing it is mirroring you. The fact that I've been physically unable to transform or run around like you and Ladybug had been, is practically thrown aside when you give me shit for never showing up!" You cut him off, shouting.

Shit, you should probably be quieter. It was around five in the morning and people were still sleeping.

Chat refused to let you go, no matter how much you moved around, bucked up to throw him off, or anything. You tried lifting your hips to push him off balance again, only resulting in him blushing a bright red, dropping his head, and pushing you back down.

"Quit that," he growled. "I don't care all about Ladybug, that's passed. I've been shitty towards you because, honestly, you're competition. You're a fox, I'm a cat. The balance there is almost none. You've been able to physically transform as well. I've seen the way you run while transformed and dammit, there is nothing wrong with you!"

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