One Shot: Hanahaki Disease

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The pain that exploded in his chest as he saw them walk by hand in hand, made Y/n hunch over. Silently, he coughed into his hand, curling his fingers in the grasp the green petals tightly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before shoving them into his bag. They've been together for about a week now, Adrien and Marinette happily holding hands and laughing at each other's jokes and... and everything he wanted to do with him.

Y/n stood up faster than anyone anticipated, the chair falling back with the force. Nothing was said as he ran out of the room and into the bathroom, locking himself in the stall, gagging as more petals blocked his airway and forced their way up and out of his mouth. Yesterday, they were just regular, individual petals; now small unbloomed buds were appearing, mixing with the blood and singular petals in the toilet.

He was dying. He was going to die soon. Within the month, the buds would bloom into big flowers and block his airway and no matter how hard he coughed, they wouldn't come up, eventually suffocating him to death.

A loud sob emitted from Y/n's lips as he slumped against the wall.

"W-we'll find a way to fix this, Y/n!" Foxxie stuttered, staring at the many unbloomed flowers and petals in the toilet and on his hands. "Th-there's gotta be-be a way to-to, to uh, to fix this..."

"I've checked," Y/n replied, "the only way is by surgery or death."

Foxxie flew to his shoulder. "Then go through the surgery!"

"The drawback is that I lose my feelings as well. I can't love anymore... I... I don't want to lose my feelings for Adrien. I can't..." He sobbed into his hands, covering his face.

The kwami was silent, sitting on his shoulder with a solemn look. "You can't just give up like that, Y/n..." They said.

"So what am I supposed to do! Just go and lose all feelings, just like that to stay alive? I'd rather die than do that. At least I'll die in love with him I'll die knowing I love him..."

He closed his eyes, remaining limp against the wall. Nothing else was said between the two, silence enveloping the bathroom. So silent, he could hear a pin drop if it did. With each soft, silent breath he took, a petal fluttered from his mouth like a ballerina, floating to the ground in soft, dancing sweeps. Each petal was decorated with swirls and tints of red; the green and yellow flower parts piling on top of each other on the floor. Y/n's dull e/c eyes opened and stared at them with the inability to focus on any: the petals all blurring together.

Slowly, he picked the rest up and threw them away, making his way out of the bathroom as the end-of-lunch bell rang. He was reluctant to take a seat beside Adrien in the class, trying to avoid all contact with the blonde and focused - or tried to - on the work. Adrien's hand softly grasped his arm, concern washing over his features as Y/n had seemed sick or something. He couldn't depict what it was.

"Y/n?" He called, snapping him out of a daze. His e/c eyes weren't able to focus on the paper, just staring blankly. Without lifting his head, Y/n hummed in acknowledgment. "You don't seem all that well, are you sick?"

Sick is one word. He hesitated, then nodded slowly. Adrien had stood up, taking Y/n with him, his arm around Adrien's shoulders to stay standing. Before the teacher could say anything to the two boys, Adrien had led him out of the classroom and to the nurse's office. It took everything in him not to cough - instead, he held his breath in hope that Adrien wouldn't find out. Painful. Excruciatingly painful. They were about a few feet from the door when Y/n doubled over, falling to the ground as he coughed up the flowers and buds. He didn't have to look up to know that Adrien was staring at him with wide eyes.

The thud of Adrien's knees hitting the ground in front of Y/n caused the younger to look up at him, covering his mouth, hand smeared with saliva and blood, some dripping onto the floor as he curled a fist around the petals that didn't drop from his hand. Neither male said anything as they stared at the petals, Y/n almost started crying, his throat burning as he held back the sobs that wanted to rack through his body. He was shaking, muscles tightening to try and hide his shaking but the attempt was futile. Adrien saw right through it.

He took a shaky sigh and reached over to grasp Y/n's wrist. "You... really are sick. We need to get you to a doctor!"

"That's what I've been saying!!"

Y/n froze as Foxxie revealed themselves, obviously not on purpose and more of an 'in the spur of the moment' accident. The small Kwami froze in the air as Adrien stared at them, squeaking and flying back into Y/n's pocket. Y/n brushed it off and shook his head. "You didn't see that and I'm not going to a doctor." He pulled his wrist from Adrien and picked up the remaining flowers on the ground. "I'd rather die than go to a hospital. I don't need to lose my feelings."

"For who?" Adrien grasped the boy's arm and helped pull him up. His face fell into a dejected look when Y/n yanked his arm away.

The boy shook his head. "It's not important," he muttered.

Adrien reached over and grasped Y/n's arm a bit tighter to keep him from running. "Yes, it is because if you tell them, they could stop this!"

"It's not going to work, they like someone else anyway."

"Y/n, tell me so I can help."

Y/n pulled his arm away with more force, inevitably dragging Adrien a bit closer. "You wanna know so fucking bad? I like you! You're the fucking reason I'm dying and there's nothing either of us can do about it." He paused to cough into his elbow. His voice had cracked while shouting multiple times. With a softer tone, he stared at the ground and continued. "You're with Marinette. I don't want to overstep my boundaries and interfere with you two; that's why I never said anything."

"But you're suffering because of that..."

Y/n rolled his eyes, coughing more into his elbow. "So what? I've come to terms with it. I don't want to forget you or anyone el-" He stopped, eyes widening. His chest spasming.


Just a short oneshot that's taken me over a year to even write this far and I didn't even finish it. I kinda gave up but here's some of it. I love you guys.

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