Chapter Eight ✓

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Edit: someone caught an error and I had to fix it.
N/n = nickname

You were allowed out of the hospital the next day, Adrien never leaving your side. The minute your parents learned about everything, you were kicked out till your bones healed since no one wished to help you up and down the stairs each and every day. Adrien took the problem in his hands and made sure you were able to stay with him until they healed, not exactly questioning your relationship with your family, although he really wanted to.

Resting on Adrien's bed (he wouldn't allow you to say no) as he was out doing his photo shoots, you scrolled through your phone and every app, occasionally messaging xHeroBoyx here and there. He was slower to respond than normal (then again you haven't been saying anything for a few days, so it's only fair).


How are your legs? And arm.
You're a fucking idiot for sitting
on the edge of a fucking roof.
What the fuck were you thinking N/n?!

Sent 58 seconds ago
Seen Now


They're fine. Sore. And I
was just admiring the sunrise.
Nothing really dangerous. I
wasn't gonna jump off purposely

Sent 3 minutes ago

Although it did slip through your mind a few times. If you had just ended it by falling. Although it did show that the fall wasn't kill-able. The Eiffel Tower, though, was death row. Maybe you should try there next. After all, why should anyone care? You had no idea who xHeroBoyx was, they've never met you, you've never met them, there should be no personal attraction or anything, really. He... wasn't even a friend to you, just someone to talk to... you guessed. You never really bothered to try and think about what xHeroBoyx was to you.


But it crossed your mind, didn't it?
I [kinda] know you, N/n. There's

a feeling I have that it did come up
as a thought.

Sent 5 minutes ago
Seen 5 minutes ago

Spot on, wasn't he? You sighed and turned off your phone, draping your arm over your eyes. Great. Just another person to know you were lowkey suicidal. You already, possibly, had Adrien on your heels and now him? Perfect.

"So this is where you've been staying, Mon chéri."

Unimpressed, your eyes gazed at Chat, who was crouching on the windowsill, staring at you. His green eyes scanned over you, confusion and fear replacing his warm, welcoming features. In an instant, he was beside you, claws barely brushing against your casts.

"Y/n, what did you do?" His question was laced with sincere worry. You bit your lip and turned away as you replied nonchalantly. "I fell off a roof." You shrugged.

His jaw slacked as he stared at you with disbelief. "Y-you did what?!" He pounced on the bed and ran his hands up your arms and stomach, seemingly checking for other wounds he couldn't see. "Why would you do something so reckless!?"

You could only use one hand to try and push him away, growling. "Stop!" You shouted, pulling your shirt back down. "What the fuck, Chat?"

Chat didn't seem as affected by it, resting one hand on your shoulder and the other on your uninjured hand. "I was checking for any other wounds, you did fall from a building so your legs and arm aren't the only things that got hurt - like here," he leaned closer and licked your scabbed cheek causing you to flinch back, "and I'm just making sure you're okay. A reckless thing like that could get you killed."

You almost muttered, 'that's the point' but caught your tongue at the last moment, turning away. Chat's face was close to yours, eyes scanning your features as he practically lied on top you. Your eyes gazed over to the clock on the wall, then the window, avoiding Chat's eyes.

"Adrien should be back soon..." You whispered.

Chat got off you but sat on the bed. "I just saw him at the photo shoot, it's about another half an hour to an hour," he replied.

"Have you seen Lupus anytime soon?" You changed the subject, hoping to distract Chat and also get his opinion and thoughts on the wolf.

Chat practically sneered. "There's been another Akuma attack and all the patrols we've been on, he hasn't shown up. If he bailed, good riddance."


"Do you know who he might be behind the mask?"

The cat was silent for a moment. "No. I bet he's pretty annoying though. Lupus is."

Double Ouch.

You pushed yourself up into a sitting position, leaning against the pillows. "W-why do you say that?"

Again, Chat remained silent and in thought, staring at the bed. His brows furrowed in concentration.

With a soft whisper, you added, "Is it because his hero side is annoying you?"

Chat nodded. "He's just so... so self-centered and his jokes aren't even funny! He's cocky and-and..." he trailed off and sighed.

How hypocritical, Chat. You thought. "Would you rather just not have him as a partner?" You asked quietly, almost sadly.

"Why do you want to know so badly?" It didn't come out as harsh as it seemed.

Shrugging, you replied, "Curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat," with a smirk, the cat snickered at the saying.

"But," you added, "satisfactory brought it back." You smiled.

Chat laughed as he stood and made his way to the window, saluting you as he stood on the sill. "Well, my time is pretty much up. I'll see you soon, Y/n."

He jumped off as you saluted back.

I guess this is a short filler chapter since it's not really plot or anything so. Here ya go. It's not my best, 922 (around there) words. Short. Sorry. Have some Chat and reader short fluff.

I'm in a sad/careless mood so yeah, there will be sadness and shiz and all that

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