Chapter Six ✓

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"Why don't you like Lupus, exactly?"

Chat groaned, "This is the fourth time you asked!" He complained.

You huffed, "Because you aren't giving me a straight answer!" Not like you could give a straight answer either, it might be curved instead.

"Fine!" He lied back on your bed, checking his ring. Two more paws. He had time. "He's cocky and annoying. He can make Ladybug laugh when I can't and he mocks me. I hate him. He made fun of me and, he's just really annoying."

Raising an eyebrow, you snorted. "So you don't exactly have a reason?" It was seriously just a simple question, and funny his explanation wasn't even something to hate someone about.

Chat grumbled a 'no' and stared at the ceiling. "He's just stealing Ladybug."

"So, you're... you're just afraid of losing... you're afraid of losing your partner."

Geez. That was hard to say and all it was was just one sentence.

You knew the feeling. Back in America, you had a partner, but this type of losing was different from yours. Chat was afraid of losing them to someone else, he loved Ladybug and it would break his heart if she chose someone else over him. He was afraid of being the second choice and being left behind. It was far off of what your type of losing was.

Your partner was also your best friend. You knew each other behind the masks (by accident of course) and, even though neither of you felt romantic feelings for each other, you stayed together and were hardly separated. You'd have to kill one or the other to separate you both. You were both attached to the hip and (this was all honestly before Ethan) you never tried to leave the other's eyesight.

You two were seen as one. Some people may have called you soulmates. They called Lupus and Kettu soulmates as well. Both were complete flirts and loved to tease each other, pick on each other and everything. There were even times you guys did try to be together, but it never exactly worked out, you both tried too hard so it ended and the two of you stayed as friends. Even considered each other siblings or anything closer than that. You couldn't even begin to describe how much they meant to you.

"Y/n?" Chat called, rubbing your back.

You must've zoned out again.

Raising your head, you flinched away when he raised his hands to wipe your cheeks, causing him to freeze in place.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," he muttered, slowly moving closer and cupping your cheeks, wiping the tears that had fallen.

How many times have you cried in front of him now? Apologizing, you rubbed your eyes and forced yourself to yawn. Chat glanced at his ring, now beeping and down to one paw. He stood and you both bid goodbye, watching as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, getting smaller and smaller as he got further away.

You didn't notice Foxxie beside you until they tapped your arm, resulting in you freaking out and falling to your side in fear, holding up your arms to your face in defense. You calmed down when you realized who it was, sighing and moving to just lay down on the bed. Foxxie flew over and lied on your collarbone.

"I'm... I'm sorry about that Foxxie."

They shifted and grasped your shirt tightly. "The Akuma wasn't your fault, and right now - that's just a reflex, I get it. It happens to everyone."

You nodded and said nothing else as you crossed your legs and closed your eyes, praying for a peaceful rest, hopefully. You hated nightmares and all of that; especially flashbacks. Most flashbacks were bad and never reminded you of the good that happened.

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