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Green eyes shone brightly in the darkness and besides that, his hair and face, the light reflecting off the golden bell decorating his collar were all you could see in the dark. His black suit blended in with the darkness practically making him a floating head that trapped you between him and the wall. Chat Noir sneered down at you, hands placed on either side of your head, nose just ghosting over yours. His breath fanned over your face, a hint of peppermint chocolate, you might add.

Your lips were sealed in a thin line, teal eyes staring into his as you frowned, then smirked, catching his attention. His eyes flickered from your lips back up a few times before he leaned in a bit closer, moving his head to where his lips just barely brushed over your ear.

"Cat got your tongue?" He whispered, nipping at your lobe.

It took everything in you to not shiver, raising your hands and placing them on his chest softly, eyes descending to meet your hands. Your silver clad claws were bright against the black suit, almost glowing against it. It was odd to see as you both tried your hardest to stay as far away from each other as hero-ly possible, but considering how many times you've saved each other's asses, it was really hard.

Pushing him back a bit, then standing on your toes, you brushed some of his hair away from his ear, purposely sliding your claws softly down the back of it, stopping your hand just below his hairline and pulling him down, grasping the golden bell around his neck tightly.

"Curiosity killed the cat," you tugged at his bell, "didn't it?"

He laughed softly, the deep rumbling sound sending sparks through your body. "But," he pulled back, taking the bell with him as your hands dropped to your sides- or, almost to your sides; he grabbed and pinned them beside your head. "satisfaction brought it back," he added.

"You fucker," you growled as his lips ghosted over yours, struggling to get away now.

He shrugged. "You're not going anywhere, puppy," he smirked, eyes flashing dangerously.

Before you could say anything, his lips crashed against yours, his body flush against yours and trapping you against the wall. Your hands balled into fists, tightening as you struggled against him, then slackened, kissing him back with equal force. It was a fight between who's dominant and neither of you gave it up. His hands dropped your wrists and immediately grabbed your waist, sliding up towards your chest and pushing hard. Your hands had wandered around his neck, tugging at his blonde locks.

Both of your pulled away panting, lips bruised, eyes locked onto each other. You smirked darkly and dug your nails into his shoulder, earning a pained moan.

"Let's make this kitty purr, shall we?" You muttered.

He responded quickly. "How about we make the puppy howl?"


"Oh, you've got to be fucking with me, dammit!"

Quickly you dove out of the way and into Chat's chest to save both your asses. Glaring at the boy, your jumped back up and grabbed your weapon, swinging it at the Akuma's attacks, breaking them each time.

"I don't see you going for the pendant either!" He shouted, twirling his staff to block debris.

"Oh, fuck off!"

Ladybug was nowhere to be seen at the moment, and you two were not having a good time. Both the akumatized victim and falling debris were hard to keep up with and you were both almost at your limit. His ring had one last print and your triquetra was beginning to flash.


You barely had time to react before the very large debris smacked into you, sending you flying back and unconscious.

The Black Cat and The Wolf (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now