Chapter Eighteen ✓

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It was one thing to ignore someone for a while. It was another thing to completely disappear out of nowhere with no warning or hint as to where you disappeared to.

Adrien checked everywhere. Every patrol he went on, every free time he had, he spent it searching for you. He even skipped classes before looking for you, nothing more important than making sure you were safe.

He came up with nothing. You were nowhere to be found. It was almost like you had dropped off the face of the earth. You had dropped out of the school, you were never home, you never left the house if you were in there, no one ever saw you.

As he had first mentioned though, it was one thing to be ignored, something else to disappear.

You hadn't shown up to school for the next week. Over the weekend, Adrien searched everywhere as Chat to find you but nothing showed up. Ladybug was a bit concerned but more so over the state that the cat was in than where you were.

If anything, he was going insane from it.

You had run out of the house abruptly, despite the fact that he had given you a push to since his father seemed pissed, but it was for your safety.

He got a nice rant about a boy sleeping in his bed, shirtless (thank fuck he didn't know that you were naked and the two of you fucked), and sleeping over without telling him. And the fact that he had been there for a few days, hiding. A nice grounding was in place for a good week, only allowed to go to school (he was easily able to slip out at night with the help of Plagg).

Chat tugged ruthlessly at his hair, needing some stimulation as everything tingled, maybe felt numb, but he couldn't tell exactly. Yelling 'fuck' as loud as his vocal cords allowed him, he kicked a wall and sobbed, dropping to the ground. This was, what... the fourteenth time in the past three days he started crying. Angry, upset, hurt, confused crying. It was all random as well. Out of nowhere, he'd start spacing out and tearing up during class and he continuously had to keep leaving to avoid crying in front of the class or he would rest his head on the desk with his arms around his head and he'd pass it off as he was tired. Didn't get enough sleep. Stayed up too late. Couldn't sleep that night. Woke up late. Woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep.

He had too many excuses.

He hated them all.

Chat stumbled towards the Eiffel Tower, using his staff as a cane to steady his shaking steps; his legs were hardly able to even hold up his own weight. Both his arms and legs gave out before he could even get under the middle of the Tower.

Lying on the cold concrete, he detransformed. Plagg dropped from his ring and floated there, staring at the broken blonde.

"There's some cheese in my pocket if you want to grab it," Adrien muttered, resting his arm under his head for a softer and higher surface.

Whatever energy he had before vanished as he lied lifeless on the ground.

Plagg stared concerningly at his owner before slowly moving towards the boy's pocket and pulling out a triangle of camembert in a small package. "You can't keep going like this, Adrien," the Kwami muttered, finishing off the cheese in one bite. "Obsessing over the whereabouts of Y/n is only going to destroy you from the inside out."

"I just need to know if he's okay-"

"No, Adrien, you don't," Plagg interrupted, "You need to be worrying about your health and the people around you. Can't you see how worried Marinette, Alya, Ladybug, and Nino are? They're more than concerned over you! You haven't been talking to them lately; about anything, as a matter of fact." He sighed.

Staring into the darkness, Adrien's eyes closed slightly, tears threatening to fall. He didn't know what to do anymore. He searched the whole city, turning it upside down to find Y/n, although he only found nothing. His parents haven't seen him at all since that night before Y/n stayed at Adrien's and no one at school had seen him either. It was almost like he fell off the face of the earth...

Plagg tugged at Adrien's cheek, pinching him as hard as the small Kwami could. "You can't sleep here, Adrien. Let's go home, okay?"

The blonde slowly nodded, sitting up, his body too heavy to move quickly at all. He could barely even hold his head or arms up. It was like someone had dropped 20 lbs over his whole body.

The walk home was slow and almost painful. It felt like it took 3 hours to finally make it to the mansion. He transformed and climbed in through his window. The room was dark, even when he detransformed-- the green light from it didn't illuminate much in the room.

He dropped onto his bed, not bothering to change out of his clothing. Adrien didn't know what to think anymore. He didn't know what he was still doing anymore. Why did it matter to even keep standing?

"Poor, heartbroken boy lost someone close to him without a warning. Come, Chat Blanc, and bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous!"


Yup. Welcome to the end. Welcome to the end of a book set on a cliffhanger.

I love you guys.

Here's a little survey:

What book do you want from me?:

A second one for this book (I'm gonna need ideas)

Undertale fanfic (Might be an AU, Horrortale or Underfell maybe)

Original Book (please)

That's all I got.

Please vote? I love you all and thank you for staying this long, it's amazing, I love you all! I finally finished ONE WHOLE BOOK, ARE YOU GUYS PROUD OF ME???!!!

Anyways, have a great day/night!! I love you all! Sorry the last chapter is so short.

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