Chapter Nine ✓

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You dreaded going to school now. Adrien had to either carry you or push you in the wheelchair and neither seemed bully-free friendly. Especially around Chloe. You tried to get out of it, saying you could just use crutches and work around it (painfully) without the help. Adrien wouldn't take no for an answer and now you're going to be carried everywhere.

He was serious about it.

Your (good) arm was around his neck, head buried in his chest since it was the only place you could hide. The school was already in session, you both pretty late since it took awhile to actually get yourself dressed (sadly you had to have Adrien help you, and you were not going into detail as to what he had to help you with) and you were still embarrassed about that.

"I'll explain why I have to carry you and hopefully they'll be alright with it." Adrien shifted you in his arms and started up the steps carefully.

You groaned as you pressed your face to his chest. All you wanted was for the day to already be over; you didn't want to deal with anything today. Adrien sensed your distress, rubbing your shoulder where his hand rested - he couldn't exactly move his arms to comfort you any more than usual so that would have to do until later.

"You're gonna have to get the door," Adrien muttered as you both neared the classroom.

Your blue eyes raised from his chest, searching for the doorknob. Since your (bad) arm was in a cast, it was a bit harder to open the door, but easier than having Adrien try to open it.

Every. Single. Pair. Of. Fucking. Eyes. Every single one was on you and Adrien when the door opened and he slipped in. Your head was buried out of sight again, black hair the only thing that people could see. You had worn a grey hoodie and really baggy pants (to hide the casts) so it just looked like Adrien was carrying you for no absolute reason.

He set you down in your normal seat (beside him) and walked up to the teacher, muttering in a low voice to avoid everyone knowing what the hell happened. You dropped your head on the table, flipped up your hood with one arm, and hid. You could just barely hear people whispering and could only guess it was about you.

Nino leaned over, tapping on your shoulder. "How're your legs?" He asked.

You shrugged. "Pretty fucked up. I can't do shit by myself."

"Did Adrien have to help you dress?" Alya joined in from behind you, sounding quite smug.

You turned to glare at her, slightly wincing as you smacked your leg against the bench. Nino stifled a laugh as Marinette rubbed your shoulder the best she could. You debated whether or not you should move away but decided against it, reluctantly letting her touch you. It was the least you could do after (not exactly) making them go with you to the hospital.

"Shut up," you growled turning to face the desk. His attention was then brought back to the teacher as Adrien slid back into his seat between you and Nino.

The teacher had stood up, thanking Adrien for his info, and beckoned for someone to come in. "We have a new student joining us today, everyone. Please welcome Ethan Nakamura."

You stared at him in shock, eyes wide, body frozen. You couldn't tell if you were scared, or even terrified. He seemed to stop as well when his stormy grey eyes met your (e/c) orbs. He didn't seem to have changed much, besides the fact that he was built and taller but his fluffy hair had been dyed a fiery color. He wore a leather jacket and a white, graphic t-shirt, his pants covered in chains and silver designs, the boots were combat boots, also covered in silver spikes. Seems like he went punk.

Ethan. Nakamura. Ethan. The boy that drove you to kill yourself at 13-years-old. The boy that happened to be your first and last heartbreak. He was here. In flesh and all of his living glory...

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