Chapter Seven ✓

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The streets were quiet, the occasional car rolling by, and you were glad no one else was really awake. The dark sky sparkled with tiny lights, the stars twinkling under the blanket of bleak, darkness. Cameron loved the night. They always loved the cool air when it got darker in the autumn, the soft wind that blew through their hair, the beauty they saw in the night. They would smile, brushing their hair back with their eyes closed just listening to the wind and feeling content. You could never achieve that amount of calm and contentedness. Their laugh was warm like the breeze, smile beautiful like the flowers, eyes sparkling like the stars. You could never get enough of them. Cameron was the only person that loved you and understood you.

You shoved your hands in your pockets and shivered, dropping your gaze to your feet. You weren't one to care about yourself - your health, your physical state, etc - and it never really crossed your mind about how unhealthy you were. You barely weighed 100 pounds - still too much for your liking -, you could see your ribs and collarbones - if anyone wanted to break your arm or something, they barely have to put much pressure to do so -, and even as Lupus and with your enhanced everything - especially strength - you could still be hurt easily. Ever since Cameron died, and Trickster followed not long after, you barely ate, slept, smiled, did anything positive anymore. It was bad and Foxxie still tried to help you even though they were slowly dying as well.

Kicking a rock with the tip of your shoe, you stopped walking and sighed, looking up at the rising sun. By the looks of it, it was close to six am; you've been walking for three hours, and now you were technically lost. Great. With a shaky breath, you walked over to an alley and climbed up the fire escape, sitting on the roof with your legs dangling off the edge. You already knew it was a shitty idea, you could easily fall off and break something or die. Even Foxxie, who hid in your hood, seemed a bit on edge (I think I'm funny but I'm not) with how close you were.

"Shouldn't you back away a bit?" They asked, poking their head up from inside the fabric.

You shrugged, swinging your legs and leaning forward a bit. "If I fall, oh well."

Hands were barely gripping the edge of the roof as you leaned forward, trying to see everything below you, which just happened to be a few people walking around. Not realizing you weren't balanced, one hand slipped from the edge, losing your grip as you fell down the tree story apartment, eyes wide as you watched, almost in slow motion, the roof get further away and fell the ground rush closer. Your body rotated in the air, your stomach now exposed to the ground. Out of reflex, your hands extended and your knees curled in, smacking against the ground with a sickening crack. Both your arms buckled, scratching the side of your face against the concrete. Falling to your side, your face contorted into one of pain, curling up as much as you could. One leg had the ability to move and everything, the other flaring in pain and motionless. You could barely move both of your arms, giving you the impression that they were both broken along with your leg. Unable to sit up, you lied there, biting your lip to keep from crying out despite how much you were in pain.

Foxxie had flown down after you fell and called your name a few times, paws on your cheeks. You ignored him, the pain unbearable. In all of your life, even when your parents had hit you before, you've never hurt this bad. When you tried to kill yourself, you practically blacked out right after so the pain didn't register in your mind; there was no blood this time, no cuts, barely any scratches, just broken bones that hurt worse when the limb was moved.

"Is that...? Oh, shit, that's Y/n!"

The words registered in your mind slower than Foxxie could hide, the voice barely recognizable. Chat? What would he be doing here at this time?

A few voices overlapped each other around you, a pair of hands gripping your sides and pulling you so you lied on your back. A scream of pain ripped through your throat as you arm was moved a bit harshly, startling those around you.

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