Chapter Thirteen ✔

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I'm trying to force myself to have motivation for you guys. Be fucking happy about it dammit, I'm not but here. It's short, a filler, and I don't know what else.
Edit: I'm just tired, sad, and have a writers block.
Edit 2: I feel better and happier. :) Thank you, to those who left some nice comments.
Edit 3: Nope. Never mind. I feel like shit again. :):

Elijah sighed as he took one last glance at his phone, rereading the same address for the tenth time. He's only been to this part of Paris for six minutes and he was already lost. Or he was just really anxious and didn't want to find this meeting place for the sake of being cat-fished. It has happened before and it was really shitty. What if he wasn't who he said he was? What if he was someone else?

He hated the dreadful feeling.


(insert random ass address over here because I'm not gonna go looking for one) Meet me here in two days. I'll give you some time to think about it and maybe get ready if you do decide to come.

Sent Two Days Ago
Read Two Days Ago

Now, he had to find the Salt King. He couldn't exactly display his name on a board, since the other kid only knew his username, and his nickname. Elijah only knew him by his username, he was never given a nickname or real name of some sort - always told to just call him 'King'. Like Harlequin from Seven Deadly Sins, Eli's favorite character.

Eli sighed, leaning against a tree in the park and staring at the address again. Where was the place? Was he near the place? He quickly messaged King that he was there and sat on a bench.


Staring at the computer in your lap, you groaned and closed it with such force, it startled the other three people around you. Alya laughed and Marinette placed her hand on her chest, sighing. Adrien raised an eyebrow at you as you pouted, stifling a laugh.

"Did you get an answer?" Alya asked, a shit-eating grin on her face.

Your cheeks burned red as your answer, continuing to stare at the ground.

"Well?" Marinette jumped in, leaning on her hands to get closer to you.

You pushed her back by placing your hand on her face. "Maybe, okay?"

Alya squealed and you had to cover your ears (as Adrien did as well), wincing. "You gotta tell us!!! But, we don't even know this mysterious person, have you seen them before?!"

Shaking your head no, you sighed and opened the computer, rereading the last message, then shrugging. "They wanna meet up."

"So we know they live in Paris," Marinette muttered, "but where do they wanna meet up?"

You glared at her and closed the laptop. "That's for me to know and you to never find out."

"Jerk," Alya mumbled quietly.

With another shrug, you stood and headed for your bag, packing away the computer and slinging the bag over your shoulder. "Well, I'm gonna run off. See you whenever and don't follow me - I mean it Alya."

An accusing finger was pointed in her direction, her hands raised in surrender as a response. "Alright, alright. I won't."

You huffed and left, thanking Marinette and her parents for their hospitality on you way out. Everyone stared at the trapdoor leading downstairs for a few minutes in silence, Nino only breaking it after a good amount of time.

"You're going after him, aren't you?"

Alya laughed. "No, I'm not. He specifically told me not to follow him. But you guys are. I'll stay here." Her smile was sickeningly sweet and sinister. "We still have headpieces to talk to each other over, right? So, then grab them and lets go!!"


You hesitated entering the park, tugging at your sleeves. You were nervous as hell - what if he didn't like you? What if he ran away? What if he didn't come? What if he wasn't who he said he was? What if-

There were so many, you could do a ten paged paper, 12 point size, font in Ariel, and still not be able to answer any of them.

You had told him to be around the farthest bench to the left, which would help them out on who is who. You could see, from the hidden spot you were standing, the dark skinned male, curly haired, dressed in a white t-shirt, black suspenders, stained jeans and sneakers. His cheeks were tainted a soft red, black staining some parts of it - smudged from wiping his face probably.

This was gonna be the hardest thing you did but taking a deep breath, you stood straight and made your way towards the boy. He seemed to lighten up when he noticed you.

"King?" He called.

Yup. That was Eli.

"Hero!" You laughed, dropping your stuff and running to jump on his in a hug.

You didn't care about the stains, burying your face in his neck as all your worries from before faded. He was here, he was real, and he was adorable. Pulling away and setting you down, Eli laughed and pulled out a handkerchief, wiping a spot near your ear and under your eye away. He smelt like oil and exhaust.

"Sorry about my appearance, I had to come over right away from the shop and I didn't have time to clean up or change."

In an instant, you were intrigued, sitting on the bench quickly. "You work in a shop?" You asked.

He smiled and laughed, "Yeah! A car shop, I help out with fixing cars and building more parts for them."

"Oh my gosh, you're a mechanic."

Elijah laughed again and nodded. "Yup." He began explaining his job and what he did as you asked questions, intrigued beyond anything.


"Hey, Adrien?" The small black Kwami poked his head out of the said boy's jacket.

Adrien excused himself from the group to head to the bathroom and hid in a stall. "You should know not to speak up around other people!" He scolded.

Plagg huffed, "Whatever. Regarding Y/n, you might have a rival. The way he was looking at the new guy was... not just friendliness."

The blonde sighed and nodded, slightly annoyed and possessive. "I know. We'll talk to him tonight."

Words: 900 something. Over 950 at least.

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