Chapter Four ✓

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Eighth Grade
Y/n's age: 13
Relationship Status: Gay and taken
Happiness Level: higher than normal
In Love: Yes
Been together for: eleven months
Day: Tuesday, February 14
Holiday: Valentines day
Significant Other: Ethan
S/O Age: 14
Flashback: begins

Valentine's day was never a day you really liked because of the fact you were always alone but this year, it was probably the best one yet. You actually got to spend it with someone this year! Excitedly, you grabbed your bag, which was full of stuff you bought for him and ran to the classroom to check in with the teacher. They allowed you to leave for a bit, but you were to be back five minutes after the bell rang if what you had to do took longer than the five minutes you had till the bell. Thanking them, you ran out of the room and into the courtyard to search for Ethan.

The boy with the stormy gray eyes and vibrant dyed black dripping into blue hair. His hair was fluffy and medium length, and really fluffy, did you already say that? Oh, well, it was fluffy. It never really straightened out but you loved the soft feel of his hair.

Pulling your phone out, you stopped running around and texted him.


love you

Sent yesterday


Hey, babe, where are you at?

Sent now

Usually, he was quick with responding but now he wasn't responding. Even as five minutes passed and you had begun walking around, he still didn't reply.

"Maybe he's working on something," you thought out loud.

Ethan was someone who liked to work on a lot of projects and get stuff done. Maybe he was working on a project? I mean, you guys did have one due by the end of the week for class.

Passing growing crowds of people, they began whispering, pointing at you and laughing. Your nervousness grew as they began to form a circle around you, trapping you in the middle. Even as you tried to push through, they pushed you back onto your ass. Your bag was partially crushed, but now you could care less about it.

Slowly, they began chanting 'loser' at you, laughing as your anxiety became more than you could handle. This wasn't something that just came out of the blue, it was planned. You could feel Foxxie in your shirt shaking, clinging to your collarbone tightly. Luckily they were covered and no one could see them.

You were hyperventilating, unable to breathe correctly. They all seemed to be closing in on you, laughing and chanting and pointing. You couldn't hide or have anywhere to go or anyone to help you; or, at least you thought.

A soft hand dropped on your shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze and catching your attention. Your head shot up to look up at the person and practically dove into his arms, hugging him tightly. The bag was forgotten as you buried your face in his chest but, he didn't move. His hands lied against his sides and he made no move to comfort you.

"Ethan...?" You looked up at him, tears staining your cheeks and eyes red.

His face was unreadable, blank and showed no sign of sympathy or love. It honestly scared you. The chanting had lowered to whispering to each other. You barely noticed the girl that walked up to the two of you until after the grabbed the back of your shirt and threw you off Ethan, who just wrapped an arm around her shoulder, a sinister smirk painting his lips. You had no words as the girl spoke, sneering at you.

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