Chapter One ✓

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Beaten. Broken. Used. Abused. Walked over. Left behind. Forgotten. Hated. Torn. Hurt. What's the point of trusting people if that's all that happens to you? All they ever do is forget and leave you behind. You didn't need friends anyway.

Starting at a new school made it easier to avoid people, you didn't know anyone and they didn't know you so, all you had to do was walk away and hope they don't follow or annoy you. You could care less for other people. Being used to getting hurt does that to people. You were used to the pain but could care less about it. Even hurting other people by accident wasn't much of a big deal anymore.

Standing in front of the class, your hands were hidden deep within your hoodie pockets, staring blankly at the ground. The teacher went off about you since you gave her the permission, not wanting to speak. She was showing you off. Just like everyone else.

She seated you beside a boy named Adrien Agreste (the last name rung a few unknown bells, but you decided it wasn't worth figuring it out) and resumed class as you sat down on the edge of the seat, trying to stay as far from the boy as possible. He tried to talk to you a few times but gave up when you ignored him and went back to listening to the teacher.

The class droned on for a while but once the bell rang, you were the first out of the class and heading home. Your steps were only stopped short as a piece of debris barely grazed your cheek, splitting the skin. You were barely able to move out of the way when another practically smacked you in the chest, although you were pushed out of the way and it hit someone else in the chest.

You ran back to help them up and drag them to cover, practically sighing when you saw it was Adrien. He sat where you put him and rubbed his chest, smiling at you with slight embarrassment. You shook your head, rubbing your forehead.

"Don't do that, I can handle myself," you said, turning to run.

Adrien stood and held your arm, stopping you, his smile now gone. "You would've gotten really hurt, and the Akuma could've gotten to you," he replied sternly. "I'm just trying to make sure you're also safe."

You ripped your arm from his hand. "Well, then stay away from me."

Not waiting for a response, you ran off to another hiding spot, making sure he didn't follow you.

"You didn't have to be so rude."

The small voice from the little Kwami caught your attention. The silver-looking tiny animal crossed their arms and glared at you, pouting a bit.

"And?" You replied, pulling at the choker around your neck, which was (right now) a plain black with a wolf pendant hanging from it. "We don't have time to dwell on it, so if you have anything else to say about it, say it later because we gotta go."

The Kwami nodded. "Alright then, and, at least talk to the other heroes. Please?"

You rolled your eyes. "Fine. Foxxie, start the hunt!"

The wolf was sucked into the pendant, instantly changing the colors to a bright silver necklace (piece thingy, I forgot the name) and the pendant glowed, the trequetra lighting up five different segments, the circle split in half. Your suit was spandex (luckily not showing or outlining your dick so there wasn't a bulge (I mean unless you got hard) but that was bound to never happen), ended just along your collarbones in a V shape. The boots added an inch to your height (considering how fucking short you were compared to the average male), the gloves you wore pointed sharply at the fingertips. The silver mask covered around your eyes, and speaking of your eyes, they filled in with a teal color, not daring to leave any space white. Your black hair was streaked with silver and white, leaving it unrecognizable and pretty shaggy and fluffy, but that was beside the point. Luckily, your hair covered your human ears so when the wolf ones appeared on your head (also very soft and fluffy), it didn't look weird. Almost lastly, was the big, silver, fluffy, large tail hanging to your mid-calf.

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