Chapter Seventeen ✓

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You both had woken up later, midnight most likely, and went at it again. Maybe three or more times, each one getting softer and more sensual than the last. At some point, someone had said 'I love you'; you didn't know who and it didn't register in your mind until the next day. Adrien was already up and getting ready. You rolled over in the bed, the sheets hardly covering your ass and you back littered with bite marks and scratches, staring blankly at the boy.

"Oh," Adrien sighed, "You're up. I was gonna head out and grab some pastries for you and I. You don't have to get up if you don't want to."

Humming in response, you turned so your back was towards him and the light that was filtering through the windows. Adrien walked over, taking the sheet and pulling it up just a bit more to cover most of your back, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your head before he left the room, locking the door as a just-in-case.

Almost out of instinct, you muttered, "He's gone now," as if to alert your Kwami to come out of hiding.



Foxxie was with Master Fu.

Cameron's Kwami wasn't around.

You were alone. Completely and utterly alone now.

Your throat started to burn, eyes beginning to water as you curled into a ball on the bed, dragging the sheet with you. You gave up Foxxie. You were no longer a miraculous holder. You were no longer a hero-not that you were anyway; you didn't do anything to ever help the Akuma attacks in Paris, you hardly did anything but run around and cause Chat trouble... Adrien trouble...

What a fool you were.

A nasal voice spoke up from the nightstand, startling you almost out of the bed. "You seem a little stressed there."

A small, black cat-looking Kwami sat on a small tin on the nightstand, eating bits and pieces of cheese. Right. You forgot that Adrien was Chat Noir for a second and had a Kwami. It took you a moment to calm down, working to cover most of your body-despite sitting up and making it harder-while staring at the small being, naked.

"You don't have to worry about covering up all that much," he shrugged and popped another piece in his mouth then spoke with it full. "I've been around long enough to not care about naked humans anymore."

Foxxy was normally bothered a bit by it and had to turn away.

You nodded slowly, letting the sheet drop onto your lap. "You're... Chat Noir's Kwami, right?"

"' name's Plagg. I'm the Kwami of destruction and yes, Chat Noir's Kwami. And Adrien's- Shoot, lie down or something, act asleep." He became panicked, flying inside an open, hopefully empty, bottle.

Confused, you leaned towards the bottle. "Why?"

"His dad!"

The only hint you got before the voices of Gabrielle Agreste and Nathalie came from behind the door. You mentally cursed and lied down quickly, pulling the sheet up to your shoulders and grabbing a blanket to cover even more. Facing the wall, you focused on breathing slowly and calmly, trying to fake being asleep and not about to freak out.

"I don't believe Adrien-" the door opened, "said anything about having another person over, unless it's that Y/n boy." Nathalie seemed to have remained near the door as Gabrielle walked closer to the bed.

"He also didn't say anything about going out this early and leaving the boy or anything about him sleeping over."

He was standing right over the bed. He was right over you.

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