Chapter Five ✓

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Your transformation was simple and the clothes you wore weren't flashy but vibrant enough to show who you were. Your shirt was a baggy, almost crop top, black shirt with a broken red heart dripping blood. Your pants were hip-hop sweatpants, also black and from the waist dripping down was also blood. The shoes were a bright red with black, broken hearts on them. Your weapon just happened to be the guns you used as a miraculous holder, but the holster was draped around your waist. Your black hair changed, the ends turning bright red. Many bracelets hung on your wrist (guess the colors) and your choker shimmered a glittery red. A red mask covered around your eyes, under your right eye was a black and broken heart.

Seems like whoever gave you the outfit must like red. (TAKE A GUESS WHO)

Foxxie had disappeared during your transformation, you didn't know where but you ignored it, sprinting towards your balcony and jumping out and onto the street, shooting couples, who then turned on each other, spouting the worst things imagined at each other, pushing and shoving, breaking into fights.

You laughed as you leaped onto a building and began running, continuing to shoot people. It was only a matter of time before Ladybug and Chat Noir got there, you just had to be patient. And patient you were; standing below the Eiffel Tower, arms crossed, watching so many people fight in the "City of Love". Ha. So much for that name.

"Stop right there!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir were behind you. With a smirk, you raised your hands in surrender, still holding the guns.

"Well isn't it the perfect heroes. People say you two are a couple, is it true?" You laughed and before they could respond, aiming at them. "We'll just have to see for ourselves, won't we?"

They jumped out of the way before you could hit them, but with the twin pistols, you continued shooting at the two, moving back and avoiding any attacks they made at you, at one point jumping onto Chat's back and pushing him down. Sadly, the awesome move was miscalculated and Ladybug's yo-yo wrapped around your leg, pulling you down.

"Y/n, you need to fight against him!" Chat shouted, recovering from the hit.

Ladybug stared at him in bewilderment. "You know him?"

Chat nodded. "Yeah, I've hung out with him a few times. And I would never forget an amazing voice."

You practically laughed, aiming for them again. "Fight against him? This is the best I've felt in so fucking long. Everyone who's so happy in a fucking relationship is now fighting each other for no reason! It's the best thing ever! Love is a shit thing that needs to die!" At the end, you growled and shot at them, as fast as your trigger finger could go. You didn't even have to reload; it was great!

Ladybug's yo-yo smacked one gun out of your hand as you aimed for Chat who was getting closer than you thought. Sheathing the one you had, you dove for the other and rolled out of Ladybug's way, running down the street. You heard them run after you; it caused you to laugh loudly and spin around quickly, taking the guns out of their holsters and taking a shot.

You missed them as they both jumped out of the way at the last minute, causing you to curse and turn to run as fast as you could, taking a sharp U-turn and jumping up on a roof, blowing a raspberry in their direction before laughing a running away again.

"Did he seriously just do that?" Chat asked.

"Seems like it," Ladybug responded.

"Stop being a coward and fight us, Heart Breaker!!" Chat shouted, standing beside Ladybug on a roof.

You sat on one a few houses away, playing with your gun like a child, aiming it at the two, again. "Make me," you replied, taking a shot.

The bullet just barely grazed Chat's cheek, enough to leave a small burn there. He cursed and held his cheek, glaring at the boy. Ladybug shook her head and threw her yo-yo up, doing the whole "LUcky Charm" thing. Coming down was a large red with black polka dots shield, large enough to stand up to Ladybug's collarbones. She could barely hold it up and stared at it in confusion.

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