Chapter Sixteen* ✓ *Edited and More Added*

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Hi. I have to force myself through my own embarrassment to write this. It's only taken sixteen chapters to figure "hey I should write this sometime" cause it's either this chapter or a one-shot thing of Bakugou/Midoriya/Kirishima/Todoroki/Male Reader because I will die with them. If one of those boys punched me, I'd thank them. Especially is Shinsou Hitoshi punched me, I'd fucking thank him.

I'm using 3rd pov for this shit because fuck saying 'you' all the time

I actually predicted in the "Sneak Peak" that I would post some sort of smut around ten-fifteen chapters. Fifteen chapters later, finally at chapter sixteen, here's some smut. You deserve it.

I'm spoiling y'all here. So, be ready and help yourself. And don't read this in a public place.





I've officially stopped caring, I just wanna get this done and over with. It's at the point where nothing is bothering me at the moment.

Edit: So, the smut was finished by @XO_Lisabeth and all I did was edit it (a lot, sorry) and add more if it was needed. So, thank you so much for the ending I couldn't come up with myself! 


Adrien's hands hooked under Y/n's thighs, forcefully dragging you over his own legs for a more comfortable position, and so he didn't have to be leaning over on his hand to reach you. Besides, his hand was cramping, he wanted Y/n closer, to feel the boy against him and know he wasn't going anywhere. Adrien needed to know Y/n wasn't leaving. His hands grasped Y/n's thighs tightly, leaving pinkish imprints when he finally moved, seeking for more exposed flesh to grab onto, rushing under the smaller boy's shirt and tugging it up. Y/n whined softly when Adrien had pulled his lips away, working to quickly rid Y/n of the cloth before leaning back in, one hand tracing small designs on his back while the other gripped the back of Y/n's head tightly, pressing him closer, harder.

Y/n had pulled back this time, reluctantly, greedily gasping for air as Adrien moved down to Y/n's neck, working to resurface the multiple dark marks he had left the last time. He could feel every hum and moan that Y/n tried to hide, spending more time kissing around Y/n's Adam's apple than anywhere else.

"Mmm, what happened to no feelings attached?" Y/n muttered, hands tugging at Adrien's locks so he could look at him.

Adrien tucked his head under Y/n's chin, tracing the bone with his tongue until he got to the boy's ear, nibbling at the lobe. "That was last time, screw no feelings anymore," he replied. His hands slid down Y/n's back, grabbing onto his ass and pulling him closer.

Y/n didn't reply, tilting his head to the side, softly rolling his hips as if testing the waters. A low rumble of a moan hardly left his lips while Adrien hummed and vigorously rolling Y/n's hip again, biting as much skin as he could.

It was wrong. This was wrong. Adrien shouldn't be doing this; he should be consoling Y/n, not fucking him. But his body refused to follow his mind and continued to pull Y/n closer, littering hickeys all over the boy's chest. His hands wandered up and down Y/n's back, dragging his blunt nails down here and there, drinking in every moan that left the ravenette. Y/n grabbed Adrien's hair, pulling his head back and capturing his lips again, both fighting for the dominance they both knew was going to Adrien anyway.

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