Chapter Nine

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Cecilia's POV

As for me, I was the shy girl on the outside, but on the inside, I was totally different. I was bold, brash, and confident. That side of me came out when I told Mikey that I'd liked him. I don't know where it came from, but it did. And I was glad that it did.

Where would I be if I hadn't? But, of course, that's a question for a later date.

"Two?" the kid in charge of tickets asked Mikey. He nodded and the kid sighed. "Shoe size?" Mikey looked at me.

"Seven," I told the kid. I zoned out as Mikey said his and didn't come back until I was handed a pair of skates. We walked into the actual rink, which was crowded as all hell. I mentally rolled my eyes and sat down at an open booth, slipping off my shoes and on the skates.

"How come you've never been skating?" Mikey asked as he stood up in skates, making him a bit taller than me. I stood up, but grabbed onto him immediately.

"Never really had a reason, I guess," I replied as we gently glided over to the wood floor where I would most likely get trampled. "Tyler doesn't. Neither do my siblings. Mom and Dad don't really take us places anymore. I didn't have friends to go with. Just never had a reason." I was rambling, but for once, I didn't mind it. I felt safe around him. Like I could tell him anything and everything I had on my mind.

"Me too, at least, at first. Gerard never wanted to go. My mom and dad don't like places like this. And I just wanted to do it when I was a kid and the second I got my license, it was like I knew that I could do whatever I wanted that nobody would take me to do. So I did this," he said, spinning around at the end, but never letting go of my hands. I smiled.

"I would have too." He smiled and held me a little bit closer. I didn't mind. For the first time ever, I didn't mind someone being that close to me.

"Tell me more about you, Cecilia," he said, pulling us towards some direction, but I didn't know which direction it was. I was lost in my own mind.

"Give me a topic," I replied. He rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"Hmm," he said, "music." I smiled.

"I sing. I listen to rock music. Mainly AC/DC, The Misfits, Joy Division, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Twisted Sister, people like that. I couldn't possibly tell you all of them, honestly." He grinned a real grin, then started to hold me close again.

"You always did look like the singing type." I nodded as we slowly began to skate. Well, he skated and I just got dragged along.

"I'm no good at this," I said, smiling. He shook his head.

"You're pretty good. If you would only try," he said, letting go of my hands slightly. I tried. My best. But. I fell.

"Ow," I said, laughing. Mikey helped me up, then started laughing. I just laughed along.

"That was so funny," he said, guiding me back to the booth that we were just in.

"It wasn't," I replied, "It was hilarious." I shook my head as he helped me up...and we ended up closer than I could have imagined. I just got lost into his eyes.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I blushed, but I didn't even try to hide it.

"I'm not," I replied, "don't lie." I could feel his breath on my forehead.

"I wasn't lying," he mumbled, "and you know it."

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