Chapter Twenty Six

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Mikey's POV

I couldn't wait until I saw Cecilia. I was anxious, happy, excited, and every single good emotion that I could feel, minus the anxiety. But, I was pushing that back, making me very, very happy.

It's been too long since we did this. 

I knocked on her door, waiting for her to answer. When she did, I was taken back by just how beautiful she is. 

She had no makeup, pajamas on, and her hair was in a messy bun. She looked so incredibly beautiful. 

"I just wanna lay on the couch and watch The Flash on Netflix," she said, rubbing her eyes. I nodded and followed her inside.

"How many times does this make it that you've watched The Flash?" I asked as we sat down. She thought for a minute. 

"I think this makes five?" she said, unsure of herself still. I laughed and wrapped an arm around her. She snuggled into my shoulder. 

"I love you," I said. It just slipped out. She smiled and looked up at me.

"I love you too." 



After ten hours of watching Netflix, Cecilia fell asleep in my arms. I just sat there for a while, admiring her beautiful face. Her small nose, hazel eyes, and tan face. I couldn't believe that I finally had her again. I reluctantly picked her up and put her in her bed. I kissed her forehead. 

"I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." 


During the week that we had to ourselves, we did everything that we did when we were in high school. It was incredible. I couldn't get it out of my head, even when we went on stage. 

But another thing was on my mind, too. I couldn't take us just being boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. We'd only been back together for three weeks, but I knew that this time was the last time. 

I twirled the diamond ring in my pocket, waiting for Gee to announce her on stage. 

"And to mark the end of an amazing show on an amazing tour, here's our friend, Cecilia Joseph!" She ran out, waving. Her long, lavender hair flowing in the occasional breeze that came in. 

"Hey!" she yelled, making the crowd erupt into shouts and screams. All I could do was smile. 

We played our regular set list, Helena, I'm Not Okay, The Ghost of You, Thank You For The Venom, and so on. The last song was one of Cecilia's. Coming Down. 

She sang so beautifully, just like she always does. The song ended and I took the microphone from Gerard. He was confused, but just stood back. 

"Hey," I said, walking over to Cecilia with my bass still hanging on my shoulder. "Uh, I usually don't talk a lot, but hey, there's a first for everything. So, this is Cecilia. She was my first girlfriend. And she's my girlfriend now." Everyone went insane. I looked behind me to see all the guys saying 'I told you so' to each other. I smiled. 

"It's true," Cecilia said, wrapping a skinny arm around my waist. I smiled at her. 

"And I want her to be my last girlfriend," I said, dropping down on one knee. 


Okay so this isn't the last chapter but it is close. :( I love writing this story and I appreciate each and every read, vote, and comment. I have a new Mikey fic up that is based on the tv show The Flash. I hope you all like it.

Love above all else, frens, fellow MCRmy members, and Mikey Way stans everywhere. 

xo Chloe

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