Chapter 2

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I started walking away, not wanting to have any attention from the 'popular girls'." Hey! Wait up!" Owen shouted. Is he seriously following me? I turned around." What?" I answered with a bored face."I--" 
Thank god,saved by the bell. I started walking to my next class, but you can still hear him following me. He ran in front of me and asked." What's your next class?" He asks,with a small grin." Reading." I stated. He smiled at me." That my next class. Wanna walk together?" He asked once again. Sheesh, this guy is really persistent, isnt he? Well, wont hurt to try." Whatever you want." I managed to say.

We walked toward class together, and me, earning whispers and glares from other students, mostly girls. I looked down, not wanting to let them see my face. Im miserable...

" Hey. You okay?" Owen asks. I looked up and nodded my head."Don't listen to them, they're just envious of you." He commented. I nodded my head again. He smiled at me. Thump.
What the heck?

I stopped in front of a door," were here." We walked in the classroom, just in time before the bell rang again. Everyone got in their seats but Owen.

The teacher walked in the room." Hello everyone, we have a new student today! Please introduce yourself." Owen nodded his head.
"Goodmorning everyone, my name is Owen Volman, hope we can get along." He said with a smile, but through my experiences, he put out a bit of a pained smile. I wonder why.

The teacher then said," please sit next to Aria." Great, next to the devil herself. He did as said, but Aria ended up flirting with him the whole class. Good thing I sit in the back. In the middle of class, he looked back at me and gave me a warm smile, completely ignoring Aria and her flirtatious comments. I only looked at him with a blank face.

Aria then looked at me and gave me a glare, along with Mia. I don't like the attention these people are giving me. I sighed as I focused on the lesson.

Timeskip to LUNCH(my favorite time of day)

As I walked out of the classroom, I noticed that Owen wasn't with me. Thank god that boy finally left me. I walked in the lunch room to find someone grab my arm. What th- " hey Cina! I was waiting for you." I gave him a stone faced look. " Hey! Don't be mad! I was messing with you! Besides you look cuter when you're scared."
I tried to hold back my blush. Is he challenging me? "

Wanna eat on the rooftop?" He asked,but before I could answer, Aria and her 'BFF's' cut in. "Sure Owen!" That said altogether. My god they're stupid." Um, I was actually asking Cina." He cleared out, he looked back to me." So is that a yes?"

I thought about it for a second. He's only trying to be nice, and it would make Aria and her so called 'friends' mad...."sure, why not." I retorted." Great! C'mon!" He said as he grabbed my wrist.

We ran across the hallways, it felt like a marathon," wait, slow down." I managed to squeeze out. I put my hands onto my knees and started panting." Cina." Owen started. I looked up, still breathing hard." What?" I answered blankly.

He walked behind me and carried me, bridal style." Wait, Owen, put me down." I said calmly while tugging on his uniform. He chuckled," you weigh a ton! Do you know that?" I sighed at his question." What's wrong with loving food?" I commented."Nothing." He said blushing while looking to the side. I looked down, hoping he doesn't see me blushing too.

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