Chapter 10

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I ate my lunch quietly, but at the corner of my eye, I can see Owen staring.

There was an awkward silence until he spoke up." So, do you have a favorite animal." He asked with a grin. I looked to him and nodded my head. He grinned even more," what is it?"

I looked down and blushed slightly." A dog..." I shyly answered. He gave me a soft smile." Thanks for telling me." He whispered in my ear. I looked to him confused, still blushing." Why?" I asked quietly. He grinned again before answering." Because I helped you find your favorite animal."

I turned to him and gave a weak, fake smile." I've always loved dogs. So that didn't count." I commented.

He blushed and looked down at embarrassingly. I looked to him and I mentally smiled. He looks cute embarrassed. Thump Thump. There goes that feeling again.

There was one thing that Cina didn't know, Owen had the same feeling.

I sighed to myself quietly before packing my blue, empty container and put it in my backpack. I stood up from my seat and started walking away." Hey! Cina! Wait!" I heard Owen shout.

That's what you get for dragging me up here, karma..

He walked beside me as we walked down the steps. As I turned around the corner first, I felt someone grab my shoulders and hugged me tight from behind. I blushed, my whole face turning a dark red.

I looked to Owen whose mis-colored eyes darkened, and glared at his older brother.

Students that passed by and were already in the area gave me dirty looks. I turned my head to Alex." Alex." I spoke quietly." Can you please let me go now?"

Asking that question made him hug me tighter," I miss you Cina." He breathed out.

I saw Owen clench his fists, and his eyes turned even more darker. He gave death glares at his brother. I felt Alex smell my white hair. He started petting it and my face turned into a darker shade of red.

The bell then rang and Alex let go of me, but was still holding my hand. Owen walked next to me and held my other hand. I gulped, feeling the tension between them. What am I suppose to do in this situation? I panicked.

I let it go and all three of us awkwardly walked to our next class, me, the whole time, looking down at my feet. Blushing fifty shades of red of course.

When we reached the classroom, the boys stopped at their tracks, what's going on?

They let go of my hand and Owen walks in first with an angry face. Alex put a small smile on his face and turned to me." Don't worry, he'll get over it." He stated. Get over what?

I decided to nod my head in understanding, I don't want to barge in anyone's business, especially Owen's. He patted my head."Let's go." He said as he walked with me in class.

A Stellar Timeskip ( after class )

I finished packing my stuff, and ready to go to my last class. As I opened the door, I met the faces of Satan and her devils- more like minions being mind controlled.

They looked at me with a glare, I only stared at them in confusion. Aria walked up to me and handed me a piece of paper. Her friends gave me one last glare and walked away. Just you wait Cina Derlo, I will get my revenge. Aria thought mischievously. She grinned creepily to herself as she had a perfect plan, already in mind.

I took a good look at the note.

Meet me at the back of the school after school.

It simply said with Aria's perfectly perfect handwriting. I sighed and put in in my pocket.

What is it that she wants now? I asked myself frustrated.

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