Chapter 11

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After my last period ended, I walked through the school hallways going towards the back of the school.

I hear footsteps behind me... But I don't want to look. As I walked I look in the rewards case I walked by that mirrored a reflection.

Alex?! Why is he following me? I ignored it and continued walking. I reach the back doors but just stood there. I turn around. "What?" I asked him.

He scratched his cheek. "S-sorry. This is just where I go after school." Alex says smiling. I shrug and walk out. Alex follows.

There stood Aria. Just Aria. What is going on? Alex walked away slowly.

"What is it, Aria?" I asked already bored. "I am so sorry for what I did. I realized how mean I was. I was just so... snobby... Mia and Kaylee left me. Will you forgive me and be my frien--" Before Aria could continue I interrupted.

"No." I said simply. "I GAVE YOU AN APOLOGY! UGH YOU SUCH AN IDIOT C INA DERLO!" Aria yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I was testing you. I guess I was right. You will never be a good person."

"Um, H-Hello?" You hear behind you. I turn around And see...

Who is that? "I am going to be new here tomorrow and I am trying to find my classes

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Who is that? "I am going to be new here tomorrow and I am trying to find my classes. Can one of you help me?" She asked.

"Tch! Like I would help you!" Aria said and shashayed away. "I can." I say with a blank face. You put on a bright smile. "Great! I am Natalie by the way! Yours?" "Cina." I said casually.

"Such a unique name! Hehehe! Let's go start from the office!" Natalie said happily and ran as fast as a cheetah the way to the office. Oh no... not again. I ran after her but not as fast.

Finally get there. I put my hands on my knees breathing heavily. "I will be right back! Getting my schedule!" Natalie then ran inside.

I stand up normally. "Hello Cina." I heard a voice behind me. I turn around. How did Alex get here so fast?! "Hi Alex..." I say casually. "Who was that?" He asked.

"She seems crazy to run so fast all the way up here."
"I guess"
"Yea?" I ask him. "Are you actually making a friend?" He laughed. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Natalie walked out with a white piece of paper. She looked over to Alex and blushed.

Why is she looking at him like that? "H-hi! I'm Natalie! What is your name?" She asked with a light blushing smile.

"Alex. Nice to meet you Natalie."  Alex said with a smile. She turned light red. "Ready to go on the tour...?" I asked getting slightly jealous. "Y-Yea!" She said happily. I grabbed her hand and ran away with her from Alex.
"Bye Alex!" She yelled as I pulled her away.

We finally got far away enough from Alex. "First..... class?" I managed to say out of breath. "Bradstene? Gym?" She said a little worried about me. "Say, we can sit down if you would like to-" "NO! I mean... No... Let's go to the gym!" I grabbed her hand again and ran to the gym.

Welp, I'm getting a workout today, aren't I?

It took us 30 minutes to run around the school touring surprisingly. We both said goodbye to each other and left.

I went on the subway and waited for my stop. What a day... I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"Doors opening for Main street- 10" I heard the voice say. I walked out of the subway then to my "House". I stop in front of a dog sitting at my door facing me.

Is that a...


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