Chapter 15

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"What are you doing here?" Owen asks surprise. Alex chuckled," I got a new job- as a waiter here." He said smiling. Owen's look darkened." So what would you guys like to order?" He happily asked.

I looked at the menu, I haven't decided what I wanted yet.

I looked over to Owen." It's ok Cina, I'll choose something and you can try it." I nodded my head in relief. Alex came close to me," maybe WE could go out sometime?" He said. I looked at him a bit confused and blushed.

Owen saw and glared daggers at his older brother. Alex only smirked in response." We'll take the fettuccine pasta." Owen simply said, not looking at him. Alex wrote the order down and went out on his merry way.

The atmosphere between Owen and I became awkward. And idea popped into my head. Owen and Alex are brothers, does that mean Alex has powers too? My eyes slightly widened at this thought. I'm not the only one... I looked down, thinking of a way to ask Owen without making it seem weird.

"So-" we both spoke at once." You go first-" we spoke again." Sorry-" we looked at each other and stayed silent. Owen started chuckling with a small blush." Owen? I want to ask you something." I looked at him seriously." What is it?" He said as he took a sip of his water.

"You and Alex are brothers." He raised his eyebrows," yeah. What are you saying?" He rested his elbows on the table. I went into a low whisper." Does that mean-" I paused."- he has powers too?" His eyes widened in shock. I started to regret what I said." I'm sorry I a-" "yes" he calmly said." What?" I asked silently." Yes, he does have-"

Owen was cut off with Alex putting a plate down on our table, with a frown." I need to talk to you when my shift is over." He said with poison. Owen glared back at him with a ' what can you do ' look and Alex sighed deeply and walked away.

Owen and I looked at each other." Well, let's eat!" He said as he grabbed his fork and started eating. I looked own at my food. Looks like rich people food. I slowly grabbed the fork beside my plate and looked at Owen. He stopped eating and smiled." Try it." I looked at my food once again and stabbed my fork slowly through a piece of spaghetti.

I slowly made it enter my mouth and bit it. I chewed slowly at first, but then I started to eat a bit faster. I heard Owen chuckle quietly. I stopped and looked up at him. My mouth was still filled with food and it made my cheeks puffy." Cina Derlo looks adorable." Owen said with a light blush and a smile. I blushed darkly and ate the rest of the remaining food in my mouth.


Owen and I talked and 'flirted' all afternoon. It was fun being able to hang out with a friend for once. But wasn't that a date, and are we even more than friends? These thoughts lingered in my mind through the whole dinner. About 45 minutes passed and we finished our food.

"Ah, I'm beat." Owen exclaimed. I nodded silently in agreement. Alex came to us with a fake smile and handed us the recite and walked away. That was weird.

Owen looked at the payment and handed it to me while getting his wallet out. $26.39? Not bad." I'll pay." I said kindly at Owen." Cina, I invited you to dinner. I'll pay." Well that's that argument. He placed his money in the thing (I don't know what it's called) and we stood up from our seats.

Just as we were about to walk away, a very familiar voice called my name." Cina!" I turned around and saw Alex in his casual clothes. When Owen saw him, they glared darkly at each other and a scary atmosphere began appearing.

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