Chapter 16

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It started to become awkward between us three. "I'll leave you guys to talk, I'll be outside." It was probably for the best. It was not any of my business. I walk out and stand by the entrance.

*Owen's P.O.V*

"Why did you come with Cina?" Alex asks me with a frown. "That's not any of your business." I answer with a death glare.

"I'm your Brother." He responds. "So. What. And remember what I said about laying a finger on her." I threat.

"Well, the thing is," Alex started to say. "I actually think Cina, is amazing. And I really like h--"

"Shut up, idiot!" I yell knowing what he was going to say. "Calm down, Owen, People are staring." Alex said about to put his hand on my shoulder.

I quickly slap his hand away. "Owen, I said Calm down." Alex said again making me more angry.

"You are not the boss of ME!" I lift my fist going in to punch Alex. Suddenly, he disappears.

"Imagine what dad will say after I tell him this." I hear a voice say behind me. I quickly turn around and see Alex.

I forgot that Alex could Teloport.

Alex then gets in my face. "And You are not the boss of Me. Little brother. So You stay away from her." My eyes widened at his dark comment and our shoulders bumped as he walked put the entrance. I look around and see everyone looking to me with there eyes wide in shock.

*Back to Cina's P.O.V*

I wonder what is taking them so long. I finally see Alex walk out. "I'll drive you home. Cina." He says. I tilt my head but he takes my hand he he drags me to his car.

I get in slowly. "Your stop?" Alex asks me with a slight smile. "Just drop me off at the  Main street 10 subway station..." You answer.

"Ok?" Alex says confused but drives anyway. "I'm sorry you had to be between that with me and Owen. We fight a LOT. We are siblings." Alex reasures me. "It's fine. I think I might understand."

"You have siblings?" Alex asks me.
"No, but I used to have... parents." I answer.
"Used to?" Alex asks again.
"Well, they left me when I was 5 or 6... And i lived in this room in the subway station ever since." I admitted.

"I'm sorry." Alex says sweetly. I just simply shrug.

I then hear Alex mumble something.

"You look very beautiful tonight."

This chapter is a little shorter but at least I actually finally published the next chapter haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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