Chapter 3

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"A-Alright, let's continue walking." He said continuing to blush. He finally started walking with me on his back. What is even happening?

We both finally got to the roof and he put me down. I kept on a blank face as I usually do. He looked at me with his signature smile. I sit down on one of the benches and he sits close to me. I make a light blush and scooted over a tiny bit away from him. He took out a brown paper bag from his backpack then took an apple out of it. I take out a blue container of rice from my bag and a plastic fork. I look at him from the corner of my eye. He just stared at the apple blankly.

Is he going to eat?

I shrugged it off and continued eating. Suddenly, Owen gets up and walks over to a trash bin and throws the apple away. I blinked in confusion. He walked back and sat down. He looked over to me as I stared at him. "Oh, I'm just not hungry. I had a big breakfast this morning." He said. I could easily tell he was lying. None of my business. I turn back to my food without a word and started eating again. "Hey, Cina?" He says. I turn to him waiting for the question. "Want to get to know each other better?" He asked. "Uhhh.." I said thinking of a very wrong thing he might have been talking about. His eyes widened and a dark red blush came across his face.

"N-No! Not that way! ugh Nevermind..." I sat there holding a blank face. I want to laugh but I...

Don't want to smile after...

Owen interrupted me from my thoughts saying, "So, what is your favorite color?" He asked. "Huh?" I asked looking at him. "Favorite. Color." He said slower. "I don't have one." I said blankly eating my food. 

"favorite animal?"

"Don't have one."

"Favorite food?"

"Don't have one."

It went like this for a while. "Let's say this..." He said. I looked at him waiting for him to continue after putting my blue container away. He stood up then went in front of me. I looked up at him. "Let's be friends! I can help you have favorite things~" He said. THUMP THUMP. "Okay." I said with a blank face not even thinking. "Great~" He said with a light pink blush.

Bell rings. One more period till school ends-

As I walked through the hallways, I heard people around me talking about Owen. Even teachers. Owen already stopped at his class and waved goodbye two minutes ago. Still not at math class. What a big school. As I walked these random girls walked in front of me.

St1: "Oh my gosh! How did you get Owen to talk to you?! what's your secret??"

St2: "Yea! please tell us!"

St3: "I was never like that with boys! Tell me most of all!"

I ignored them all and walked past them. They don't even know my name. I continued walking until a little somebody stood in front of me with her arms crossed. None other than, Aria.

"I am telling you to back off from Owen- You don't want to see my bad side."

"I thought I was looking at it." I said blankly. The crowed around us gasped in shock.

"Excuse me?! I put on so much makeup today that I--" Before the devil could continue, I walked past her and to class. I can time travel and punch your face if I wanted to. You back off. I finally got to math class and opened the door then went to my asighned seat. I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see black Haired boy with two teal eyes with a smirk on his face. He kind of looks like Owen...

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