Chapter 8

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I walked out of art class, the inside of me begging to not meet Aria, her 'friends', Alex, and Owen. I speed walked to my next class, what chance do I have if I meet them..60%?

I stopped by my locker, and put my art books away quickly. I still can't believe my art teacher hated that drawing, it was one of the best ones I have ever made. As I was going to put my last books and my drawing away, I heard some laughing behind me.

I turned around to see satan and her devils, they were eyeing me and we're looking suspicious. Do they know about my powers? Or is it about something else?

I started to eternally freak out, until I felt someone pat my head, which made me calm down." Hey there Cina, you're looking stressed out." Someone casually said. I looked up to see that someone was Owen.

I nodded." Well I'm looking forward to this evening." He said as he winked at me. My face turned a dark red, thinking of the oh-so-wrong thoughts in my head.

He blushed darkly and realized what he said. He waved his hands in front of him and started to apologized, while I just stood there awkwardly. Honestly, I'm kinda liking his presence around me.

The bell rung. Thank God. I got my science books out of my fainted locker. I closed it and locked it. "Science?" Owen asked me. I nodded. We both walked to science. Of course Science class has to be so far away from the lockers. As we walked. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Alex. Owen glares at him with his two miscolored eyes getting darker.

"Hey? You guys going to Science? I am too~" Alex said with a smile. Owen grabbed my hand and said, "ok, let's go..." He said in a less upeat tone. Owen started walking. He is still holding my hand. A blush started appearing on my face. Alex cringed and walked CLOSE to me. Shoulders touching.

What...? We all finally get to science. Both of the boys separate from he and walk inside. I follow in after them. I sit down. Luckily, there are asighed seats. Alex sits right next to me and Owen sits across the room. Should I be lucky?

10 minutes later we get into the lesson. I turn around and see Aria staring at me with a grin. What is up with her? I turn back around ignoring it. "Alright class, time for our group projects we started two weeks ago. No excuses because you had two weeks. And Owen and Alex don't worry about it-" Mrs. Lilac said getting the Video player ready for the class so they could see it from the board.

"Mia, Kaylee and Aria is first. Please come up to the board." The teacher said. "Glad to." Aria says getting up with her friends and walking to the front. Kaylee sticks the flash drive into her laptop and connects it to the video player.

It was a slideshow. Mia secretly took a video with her phone. Aria read aloud exactly what the board said.

"Hello fellow students, this is my presentation about something rather... important." She read out loud. I rolled my eyes.

She flipped to the next clip. It showed my school picture. My eyes widened slightly, my heart started beating and I started shaking. "About Cina's secret"

Owen and Alex look at each other.

I'm feeling a little uneasy... No way... this can not happen. No.


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