Chapter 6

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"You work here?" Owen asked me still with a smile. I shrugged and looked to the side. Please leave. "Alright, I came here for a drink." He said. "Okay." I said casually. He walked over to the fountain drinks and I sighed.

3 minutes later, he walked back over to the counter. "How much?" He asked. I pointed to the prices next to the fountain drinks. "Oh, ok 3 dollars." He said taking out his wallet. I stood there waiting. He finally got out 5 dollars and handed it to me. He got closer to me and whispered to me. "Keep the rest." Thump.

"Alright T-thanks have a good day." I said trying to get him out. "Wait- I have a question." I looked at him waiting for it. "There is a movie I want to go to. I was going to take my brother but- um... we recently got into an argument. Want to go with me Tomorrow?" Did he just ask me out? Without thinking, I said, "Okay."

Back with Aria and 'Friends'

"Did they say they LOVE us?!" Mia said cupping her hands and looking to the ceiling. "No, idiot. But that would be very cool. Tch what am I saying- of course they think that!" Aria said with a chuckle. "What did they say?" Kaylee asked.

"Cina.... Eats souls!" Aria said with a scared face. Mia and Kaylee gasp and leave thier mouths open in shock. "Really?!" "No way!" The girls say. "We have to tell the entire school." Mia said. "But we need some kind of proof. " Kaylee says remindenly. "Girls, you know how all three of us are in that group project in science? Like where we show a video about the water cycle?" Aria said.

Kaylee and Mia nodded. "How about instead of not even turning in the project, let's show a video on proof how Cina eats souls~"

With Cina after work.

I can't believe I said yes to this. I continued walking 'home' with Owen following not to far from him. He asked if he could come over. Maybe I should go back in time and say no! But... I don't want to for some reason... I walked down the steps to the subway station. "How far is your place?" He asked. "We will be there in 10 seconds." I said. He looked confused. "But Subways--" before he could continue we stopped at the door. I got out my keys and unlocked it.

I opened the door. "Here it is." I said with blank face. Owen's eyes widened. Yep, he sure is suprised...

I walked in quietly, setting my stuff on my bed." So uh- this is your place...." I turned around to face him and I nodded my head." It was all I could afford." I simply said." Do you have a phone?" He asks. I shook my head gently." Hm." He started thinking. Is he seriously planning to get me a phone? I hope not.

He walked closer to me, and by a few steps the space between us disappeared. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my back. Is he hugging me? I blushed furiously." Don't worry, I got you covered." He said whispering in my ear. I blushed even more.

The hug felt like a million years. I stood frozen on the spot. Owen then stopped hugging me, and stepped back.
" Hehe, sorry." He apologized while scratching the back of his head, blushing madly. I looked at him with wide eyes.

He started to walk out the door," so ill see you tommorrow evening?" He asks." Hm Hmm." I hummed shyly." Great! See you." He said as he waved. I put a small wave back, closing the door gently after.That was interesting...

I walked sloppily to my bed and changed into my pajamas. Tommorrow evening huh? I thought as I laid down and drifted into sleep.

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