chapter 5

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The end of the day. Cina takes the bus home before Owen or Alex can
See her. (Owen's P.O.V)

Once the bell rings I walk out of the classroom and quickly run to the math class Cina was in. I want to see her. I open the door and no one else was in the class except for...

"Hey Owen! Come here for me?" Aria said with a flirtatious smirk. I mentally roll my eyes and my eyes shift past her to see my brother still sitting at his desk smirking at his phone screen. I walk past Aria and walk over to him.

"What are you looking at, Alex?" I ask him. Alex is older than me but, I am still way smarter. "Hehe... look-" he said and showed his screen to me. My eyes widened. I felt a pinch of anger at the sight if the picture of the back of Cina's head. "Isn't she cute? She could be--"

Before Alex could continue, I slammed my hands down on his desk and then grabbed his arm and brought him out of the classroom and Into an empty hallway. "Alex! I know what you are thinking and don't even TRY taking advantage of Cina! I know your scemes."

"C'mon bro~ you can take her soul t--" Before continuing,  I slapped him. "What is wrong with yo--"

"IT IS Wrong!!!"

"IT'S our Nature- we were born to devour souls. You really like her that much? Impossible. It's our first day."

"Do not lay a finger on her." I said with my eyes glowing darker. Before Alex could say something I walked away from him. What if I.... hurt her?

This sucks.

Back to Cina's P.O.V-

I sat in the subway with my bag on my lap almost driftly falling asleep. No way I have a crush. How is that even romotely possible.

"Doors opening for stop 10- main street"

I mean... that black hair~ Thump Those diffrent color eyes~ Thump Thump. Wait what am I thinking?!

That's when the voice from above interupts me from thoughts.

"Doors closing for stop 10- main street"

"Darn my stop- meh it's fine." I close my eyes and use my time traveling power to transport me 1 minute earlier. I open my eyes and hear the words I wanted.

"Doors opening for stop 10- main street"

I kept a straight face and got up. Perfect. I walked out the subway doors and start walking the way to where my "home" is.

I walked all the way down the subway station until I got to a door against the dirty wall. No one really goes over here. I open the door and walk inside. I turn on the light. My home. All it was, was an old bed against the back wall, a fridge on the south wall, and a closet. Pretty much it. I walk over to my closet and open the doors. I take out my Convenient store uniform. Well, I need to afford food and clothes, don't I?

I put it on and stretched then yawned. "Time for work..." I said in an unbearable voice. I walked out of my "house" and locked the door. I held my draw string bag on my back. Usually the bag I bring to work. I walk upstairs out of the subway station and walked two minutes to the convenience store close by.

I open the store doors. My weird, rude, boss walked up to me. "Get to the counter! I don't pay you to not come to work on time." He said. I made a deep sigh and nodded. I went to the front counter and stood there waiting for a customer.

Three minutes later, the bell on the door finally rang telling me someone came in. "Hello, welcome to In and--" once I looked up I see Owen in front of me with his huge grin. "Out..." I continued.

Meanwhile at the school.

"Mia, Kaylee. You will never believe what I heard from Alex and Owen..." Aria said to her two friends in the classroom.

To be continued-

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