Chapter 7

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I woke up felling a bit sore, my eyes widened a bit and I blushed, thinking about the events that happened yesterday. I cant believe Owen and I are 'going out', its a date right? What should I wear?

I shook the thoughts out of my head. What kind of argument did they get into anyway? I sighed and got ready for school. I went in the bathroom and took a warm shower. After that, I dried myself and started putting on my uniform. I sighed quietly as I did my hair. Just as I was about to finish, I heard a knock on my door. The only person that knows where I live is..... Owen....

I walked toward the door and opened it slowly, to see me face to...well-chest with Owen." Good morning!" He greeted with a little wave." Good morning." I answered in my usual quiet voice.

"Wanna walk to school together?" He asked," sure." I said shyly, "let me grab my bag." He nodded his head and I headed inside, quickly grabbing my bag. Then we headed to school.

I looked down to my shoes as we walked. Complete silence. Owen decides to finally break the silence. "So, do you have parents?" He asked. I looked up and froze walking. He stopped to and looked at me. "Cina are you o--" "Let's not talk about it." I said quietly and started walking again. Owen looked down and started following me again.

"Sorry." I heard his voice say.

He was the first person to reach out to me. The very first.

We finally arived at the entrance of the school. "What is your first class?" He asked me. "Art..." I said quietly. His His smile Suddenly went into a frown. "Oh.... I have Orchestra." He said. "You play a string instrument?" I asked quietly. He nodded. "Cello." He said with another huge smile.

Cello, huh?

I walked to my art class. Owen was already at his music class. Tip tap tip tap Why is it so.... quiet? I turn around and see... Satan and her devils. "Hey! You!" Aria said walking closer to me. "I know your secret- so you better watch your ba--" before she could continue I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Hey guys? What are we talking about?" Alex asked. A light blush apperd on my face. Aria and her minions all looked at each other in fear. "N-Nothing..." Aria said grabbing her minions arms and running away.

"So, you have art too?" He asked me. "Yea... why?"
"Just curious. Here it's a few rooms down right? Let's walk together." He said with a smile similar to Owen's.

We both walked down to art. I looked to the corner of my eye. Why is he... staring at me?

We finally reached the door to the art room and the bell rings. Just on time. We both walk in. I sit at a drawing desk and Alex sits in the one next to me. I guess I'm a decent artist?


"Wow! Cina that is really good!! How can you draw that in just 20 minutes?!" Alex yelled looking at my drawing of the fox the art teacher told us to draw. (Picture at top is her drawing)

The art teacher walked to us and looked at mine. Her eyes widened in shock. "This is really bad Miss Derlo." She said holding a smirk. I'm used to her saying that but... Alex is staring at her with a certain... look in his eye...
It looked familiar. That look. The same look I had when my father and mother.... left... it was...


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