Chapter 9

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Aria flipped to the next clip. I start shaking more. I read the clip to myself. All weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Cina eats souls!" Aria read out loud with a nasty smirk.

Everyone started laughing. Aria's eyes widened. "What?! It's tru--" "ARIA! KAYLEE! MIA! F-. Go sit down, now!" Mrs. Lilac said frustrated.

Alex and Owen look at each other. I sigh. Thank God.

The bell rings. I put my stuff away and lick up my bag and put it on my right shoulder. Alex walks out quickly. What is up with him...? Owen walks out of the classroom next to me.

"That was weird..."
Owen says scratching the back of his neck as we walked through the school hallways. "I know it's werd asking but..." I look at him. "Do you want to go to a restaurant instead of a movie...?" He asked. I held in a blush.  "Okay." I said with a shrug.

"Really? How is Olive Garden?"


"Tomorrow? I can pick you up at six."


My voice was frozen. When else would I say? The lunch bell rings.

"Let's go!" He said grabbing my hand and running to the stairs that lead to the roof. As  we ran up, He finally let go of my hand. I was trying to catch up with his running on the stairs.

Suddenly I slip backwards. Owen turns around and his eyes widen. Before Owen could do something. Someone catches my fall from behind. I turn around.


"Bro, you gotta wait for the lady or this will happen." Alex said to Owen still holding on to me. "Maybe people named ALEX. Should not touch girls named CINA." Owen said pulling me onto his arms.

He held my hand again and ran upstairs. Alex glared at us and followed walking up.

Me and Owen get to the top and sit down on a bench. I take out my usual rice in a blue container. Owen takes out a blue soda can and opens it then takes a sip. "So, excited for Tomorrow? This is operation one!" Owen says excited.

"Operation one?" I asked.

"Yea! There, I will help you find tour favorite food." Owen says happily. I shrug. He defenetly was not lying about the helping me find my favorite things thing.

Owen stopped talking. I look at him then looked who he was looking at.


"Go away. This is our spot." Owen said calmly. "I should stay." Alex said sitting next to me.

"Alex. Leave. You are going to drag attention." Owen said. "Tch no one is up he--" Before Alex could continue, tons of girls came upstairs.

Fangirl1: "I told you he went up here!"
Fangirl2: "Eww. It's Cina."
Fangirl3: "Ha! She is such a joke!"

I ignore them and look down. I glance at Owen's fists. They were clenched. He suddenly stood up.

"Leave the girl alone for once! She has done nothing to you! Take Alex and LEAVE." Owen announced. The girls look at eachother guilty.

They grab Alex's arm and leave down the stairs. Owen sat back down. "You didn't have to do that... I'm used to it." I said calmly.

"But your still a human being, right?"

I put on the smallest smile I could with my head still down looking at my rice.

"O-Of course." I said.

He took another sip of the soda. He glanced over to me. He noticed my tiny smile.

He put on a huge grin.

The air blew through my white fluffy hair.

"Thanks..." I mumbled out.

"Don't mention it." Owen said normally.

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