4 | use me

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Camila was in class listening to the lecture, until her phone vibrated in the class room. She quickly answered knowing it was Cameron. And if she didn't answer she would be punished

-I want you

She almost puked in her mouth. How could someone be so disgusting, treat people like objects and just use them for his own pleasure. He was cheating on his best friend with his girlfriend. Forcing her to do repulsive things so she could protect him. But was she really protecting him if she would break his heart in the end?

-I'm in class asshole

She texted, she was never in the mood to do things with him.

-ditch... you don't want me telling Shawn what you did, or hurting him and you?

-fine.... I'm coming.

-meet you at your dorm ;)

As she got up from her desk she accused herself, she started walking down the hall exiting the building and walking over to her dorm which was about ten minutes away.

She arrived. She waited. He never came.

-what the fuck?

She was angered just wasted her time, she could've been in class, learning. Do anything else not involving him.

She was about to leave and open the door and before she knew it she was pushed up against the wall and cold, meaningless kisses were placed down her neck. She whimpered, she was weak.

"S-stop" she cried tears lightly falling down her cheek

"Why would I" Cameron whispered ear slowly undressing her

She was pushed against the wall and was slowly removed from her clothing

She wanted this living hell to stop, she didn't want Cameron's touch, to look at her as an object that he could use for for his own pleasure and need. She was just being use for her body and his own personal boy needs.

"Stop crying bitch"  Cameron said roughly kissing her lips

His tongue caressed her lips but she didn't allowed any entry, that made him made. Really mad. He removed his naked self form on top of her and looked at her with rage in her eyes.

She looked scared, helpless and frightened as his hand pushed her from on top of the bed on to the floor.

"You didn't obey me?!" He yelled kicking her in the back. 

"I-I'm sorry" she said curling up into a ball on the floor, crying.

"Hell Yeah you are" Cameron said rolling his eyes dressing himself

Five minutes past, and it felt like forever. He finally left leaving her in peace. The air vent sent cold air to her bare body and she shivered, but he was gone.

She re dressed herself in new pieces of clothing as she cleaned up her dorm room.

She sat in her bed just staring, thinking of him touching her, using her, manipulate her.

She was quickly snapped out of her thought when she heard her door open and heard a voice

A cute, humbling, sincere, calming voice. Shawn's voice.

"Babe I'm home" he said she smiled, she was safe.

She smiled and walked out of the bed room to the living room, he was setting all his books down on to the floor as he saw her face he smiled.

He loved Camila so much, he trusted her, loved her. And he knew if anyone were to lay a finger on her he would knock their brains out.

"Hey" he smiled at her.

She just returned a weak small smile that was quickly replaced with tears. His smile was immediately replaced with a look of concern.

He put his arm around Camila "hey hey, what wrong?" He asked hugging her, wrapping her up in his embrace.

She loved when she was in his arms, it was like home, she knew he wouldn't touch her, use her, hurt her in Shawn's arm. His arms were her safe place and oh how she loved her safe place.

She just cried, cried into his arms staining his grey
t-shirt  with her tears. Not saying one word to any of his question, she just sobbed.

"Babe, please tell me what wrong" he said holding her chin

He knew, after her mothers death her dad abuse, he couldn't leave her, he never did. He loved her with everything in his body. When she cried it would only throw him back when she would run to his house with Bruises covering her small, delicate body.

She wiped tears and looked into his eyes.

"I-I can't"

A/N: fuck writers block....

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