5 | fight

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"Babe, what do you mean you can't tell me?" Shawn said hugging, embracing his beloved girlfriend who was sobbing in his arms

"I can't tell you" she said letting go of his grip

"You can tell me anything, I promise you" Shawn said trying to convince her

"No, I said no. I can't tell you everything" Camila yelled at Shawn

"I'm here, I want to know what's wrong... so I can help you" Shawn said trying to clam Camila down, but she was so overwhelmed with keeping this secret she just couldn't for any longer

"Help me? All you do is help me!" Camila said

"We've been here for each other for six years!? We are suppose to help each other!" Camila was informed by Shawn who was utterly confused

"I've never helped you! All I do is bring you down in my problems" she said

"Baby what are you talking about?! We are in this together" Shawn had no idea what was going on with his girlfriend.

They always were there, this never had happened to them before and Shawn really has no idea how to calm her down and talk.

"I just bring you down all the time. I don't want you here" Camila said pointing at the door.

"Babe? C'mon let's talk about this" Shawn said in a calming voice

She was so angry not even at him, at herself that she to it all off in Shawn, and he still remained kind, calm and caring. She didn't deserve him.

"I told you I don't want to fucking talk I want you to get the fuck out now!"  Camila yelled in top of her lungs

Shawn started backing towards the door, she had never gone off like this on him before.

"Babe I-" Shawn tried to calm her down but tears we on the brim of her

"Please if you care you will leave me alone"

She closed her eyes and heard the door slam. He was gone. Not there in her presence she could relax.

The guilt was eating her alive and it only got worse when Shawn was around, her innocence, her trust, was all taken away by him. It's all his fault it's all his fault. 


Shawn walked down the street to his friends Cameron's house, he was going to spend the night since he figured Camila wanted nothing to due with him.

What was wrong with her, why did she was bringing him down? Why was she thinking this especially now? Everything was going so well in his eyes. Shawn's eyes

Shawn climb up the multiple stories of stairs finally reaching his friends Cameron's room he knocked on the door about three times and the door finally open

It looked like he just woke up from a nap because his hair was all messed up and his eyes were squinting

"Uh Shawn what are you d-doing here" he said shocked

"Can I come in bro" Shawn said laughing letting himself in

The two have been friends since the begging of time, they were more like brothers than friends, Shawn knew he would help him and help him understand what happened earlier with Camila

"What up" Cameron ask sitting across from Shawn

"Camila man, she is acting up lately" Cameron's eyes widen

"W-what do you mean" Cameron said while trying to say with a blank expression

"She been crying more lately, she doesn't want to open up to me! We've been together for six years Cameron! Six fucking years and he decides to shut down on me now Cameron? I'm scared" Shawn said

"Scared?" Cameron asked

"Yeah! So fucking scared. First her mother died, then her father became and alcoholic and abused her, she was left with no family I was there caring for her, she feels like she is dragging me down" Shawn said crying because he knows someone as kind and amazing as her doesn't deserve everything that has happened to her

"I don't know what to say-" Cameron said lightly frowning

"She isn't dragging me down, I'm scared that she will leave me and hurt herself cam, everything was going so well and she shutting down Cameron. I can't let her shut down" Shawn was cleaning his tears with his sleeves

"Bud. She won't do anything" Cameron said he started to wear his coat and shoes

"Where are you going"

"Out, I need to go do some things to someone"

A smirk escaped his mouth

"Oh okay, you don't mind if I stay the night do you"

"'Oh no, if I don't come home it because I was drunk"

A chuckle escaped both of there mouths

"Okay, see ya"

He smiled

He left


Knock knock

It was him, she was so scared.

A/N: 13 years old, second week in grade 8 and I already want out👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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