13 | shut me down

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She sat there, reading text after text. But she didn't respond, she couldn't. The lies were eating her insides, taking away her confidence, dignity, everything she was so empty.

She knew how much he was worrying. She knew a simple "I'm fine" would give him peace, but she would be lying. She wasn't fine. She was absolutely the opposite of fine. She stayed with Hailee for almost three days now, no one knew where she was, why she was doing this. She was off the grid.

"Camila, you want to eat anything"

She shook her head at Hailee

"C'mon... eat something"

"I can't"

She was sick of guilt and it she couldn't get better, she was lost.

From Cameron
-where are you

Why do you care

Shawn, he's fucking going crazy

It's your fault

How so?

Everything you did, it haunts me.

Come back to Shawn, or else I will hurt him.

Fucking Douchebag


I hate you

Oh baby, how I love you

With that she felt even more sick. She had to come back, he would hurt her, he could be lying. Cameron is a man of his words. And she couldn't see him hurt that's why she kept this secret for so long, so he wouldn't get hurt.

Camila got ready, she looked like a mess. She took a shower and wore a black lace top with blue jeans and some shoes. She then headed to the local cafe where she ordered coffee. And sat there. And thought.

Thought about her future

Thought about her past

Thought about her regrets

Thought about her accomplishments

Thought about everything.

She missed him, she wanted to be wrapped in Shawn's embrace hugging her through this, he couldn't be her saviour. Not now, ever again? Who knows.

Babe, please i need to know. Are you ok?

Camila's hands trembled across her keyboard

I'm fine.....

After days of no contact, she let him know.

Oh my god, thank god...where are you? I'm going to come pick you up, I missed you.

Headed to park...

I'll be there as soon as I possibly can, stay safe.

Camila locked her phone and payed the waitress. She walked to the park and sat on a bench, watching the children play as she thought about how life was so easy back then. No thought, cares, responsibility. How she wanted to go back to when she had her family when she first met Shawn to when life was simpler, better even.

She texted him back, finally he thought. He knew she was safe after days of not knowing, he finally knew that she was okay.

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