32 | drunk in love

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It was 10:00 pm night on a Friday night. It was like every other collage party. Drunk teenagers making out all over the place, people hooking up, dancing, talking. Everyone was having a blast.

"Shawn!" Ellie called out

"Yeah"  He said drunk. 

"I'm going home with Lauren" she said

Shawn nodded as he stumbled trying to walk to a group of friends.

As he did he bumped into a small brunette girl, she also seemed very dunk.

"What the fuck!" She yelled

"O-oh m-my badd" Shawn said

"Well shit" she mumbled

"L-let me, um help y-you" Shawn told the girl

"Sure, why n-not" the mysterious girl told the familiar talk boy standing in front of her

He took her hand and led her upstairs.

As the two went to the bathroom he grabbed a washcloth and lightly ran in water making the piece of cloth damp. He lightly dabbed it in the small girls grey crop top.

Just seconds of cleaning the girls shirt he felt a familiar pair of lips caress his. He didn't hesitate to kiss back.

Her hands got tangled in his hair as her legs wrapped around his torso only intensifying the kiss.

Shawn led the girl out of the bathroom and into a bedroom that was unoccupied. She felt his hands playing with the shirt practically begging for it to come off. Her hands made way to the buttons on his shirt and unbuttoned as fast as she could not getting distracted by his lips.

They missed each other so much.

But were in other relationships

But they were kept apart for to long

A/N:If I feel like updating later, this book will end either today or in the next two days. Be prepared. Ideas for a new book! I wanna start writing one right after I finish this one

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