20 | the letter

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"Dear Shawn,
You maybe asking why I'm writing to you and why I couldn't talk you in person. It's because by the time your reading this the police is probably pulling my dead body out of the bottom of Dundas peak. The highest mountain climbing/hiking place in Toronto. I will be ending what people call my life on the exact point where we had our first kiss underneath the moonlight at exactly 10:54, the time we had our first kiss. You maybe wondering why. You didn't know the other part of my life and no matter how much you would've love to know it's to late.  You can't stop me from what I'm doing I can't live through this hell that is my life. I'm a lying, ugly scumbag that will forever be known as slut or a whore. I have no reason to fight. I fought for so long i just can't fight it anymore. You were there for me  as long as you could've been. And I deeply love and appreciate you for that. Thank you for being such a great boyfriend that I never deserved. You were there for everything and I wish I could repay you but you gave me happiness and I have no idea how I could pay you back for that. I let you go and it was my fault, like everything else in my life. But it's my time to leave you for good and if you really wanna know what happened. I can never tell you because he will hurt you, I could no longer keep this secret so it's just better if I Shut Myself up. I'm doing this for your protection. For your happiness. Because I have nothing to live for anymore. 

-love Camila"

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