12 | crying

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He cried.

He cried and cried and cried.

Why? He didn't know.

Maybe because he could usually find her, help her through what was going on. But he couldn't and that's what killed him, he couldn't help.

Eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, cheeks bright red stained with his tears his lip slightly bleeding because he chewed it away due to all his anxiety.

-come home, please....

-I'm begging you

-Camila please.

Please, comeback

He couldn't fall asleep not knowing if she was safe or not. She didn't have to have her home, he just needed to if she was safe.


No sleep.

No food.

No text.

No call.


Where the hell was she. He heard a knock on the door

He ran from his room with a smile, but it was quickly replaced with a frown noticing it was Cameron and Charlie, not his girlfriend.

"Oh" he said as he frowned and walked away from the door.

"Hey bud, what wrong you look like shit" Charlie said

He did look like shit, his eyes were red, so red., from crying? From no sleep? Who knew.

"Shawn, we have football you know"  Cameron said looking down at his shattered phone

"Oh shit what happened" Cameron said looking at his phone

Fear washed over his body, he doesn't know... he couldn't know? She wouldn't have told him.

"Where is she?" Shawn broke the silence

"Who" Charlie said "Camila" he added

"Yes. It been two days. 48 fucking hours. Where is she"

"She'll come back" Cameron added

"She loves you. Maybe she needs space. You never know" Charlie said as he gave Shawn his letterman jacket and pulled him off the ground trying to get him ready for practice

"Space? Everyone says it space! It's not fucking space I know it" Shawn cried

Cameron turned his head slowly once he heard those words echo through his brain.

"What? Shawn how do you know?" He said looking at his friends heartbroken face

"She is not the Camila I know Cameron" he said wiping his tears from his face

"Buddy you are going crazy" 
Charlie added

What if he wasn't ?
What if he knew everything that was going on with her
What if he knew what his best friend was doing
What if he was just clueless
What if he was so close to finding the truth
Then what?

"Crazy" shawn said in a faint whisper "I'm not crazy"

"Shawn calm down" Cameron said

"How can I calm down, my girl is missing" Shawn yelled he was so frustrated, he knew there was something else he was just didn't know what

"Shawn c'mon we have practice" Cameron told him

He rolled his eyes

"I don't care! There's something wrong with her. I know it"

"What is it" Cameron said hoping it wasn't the truth.

Anything but the truth

"I-i don't know! But I know she is broken. Something is happening to her and it tearing her apart Cameron." Shawn said and looked right into his eyes with his heartbroken, tired eyes

Cameron's eyes grew bigger, he was speechless

Shawn looked at Charlie he was showing no emotions

"Do you know something"

"Shawn I don't."

"Why would she go to you? What did I do wrong. Why did she run away from me"

"Shawn I don't know anything, she didn't run away I promise"

The gave each other eye contact

But she did...

Why did she run away, because she couldn't look at Shawn anymore. She couldn't look at the innocent beautiful boy he was. She didn't deserve his affection after being the cheater she was. If only he knew...

"Hey guys, we will try to find her after practice. We won't stop Shawn. And if we can't find her we will get the police involved" Charlie said putting his arm around Shawn

Shawn took a deep breath, he was calming down

"Okay" he said

"Okay, lets go now bud" Charlie said and escorted Shawn  to his car

Cameron took a a deep breath in he was so relieved he didn't know

He was glad he didn't know

He knew he should stop

But how could he stop when he was addicted?

A/N: I'm pretty proud of this chapter. Comment what you thought of it

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