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It was very awkward ride back home, Shawn and Camila sat in the car awkwardly. Not saying a word to one another, he almost lost her. And he didn't know what to say or what to do.

It was an awkward red light s the two ex's sat in silence while glancing at one another occasionally.  Shawn stared at Camila for a long time, admiring her from a far.

"What?"  Camila asked

"How could you ever think jumping off would be the best solution" Shawn asked

"I said I would tell you when we get back to the dorm" 

"Why? Why not now?"

"Because you will get angry and he'll probably crash the car and we both will be dead"

Shawn started to drive again as a sigh escaped his mouth.

"Why didn't you just tell me while we were at Dundas peak?" Shawn rolled his eyes

"I'm sorry, I was busy crying thinking of the worst"
Camila hissed

"Can you at least tell me why your face is beat up" Shawn rose his voice slightly

"No because then I'll have to explain the whole problem dumbass" Camila rolled her eyes

"Jesus" Shawn mumbled under his breath

The two sat angrily in silence as the finally approached the dorm room.

Camila stepped out of the car slamming the car for hard behind her and started speed walking up to her dorm room with Shawn chasing behind her

The two finally were in the dorm sitting awkwardly beside each other before he could her her sniffles and he tears falling down her cheeks

"I'm sorry"

Camila said Shawn gave her a confused look

"I'm sorry for cheating on you" Camila cried

"You what?" Shawn's voice crackled

"Remember a couple months ago when you went out of town to visit your family for a week" Camila said

"Um- yeah" Shawn said wiping his tears with his leg uncontrollably shaking

"Lauren And I went to a party, I got drunk and Charlie did too and I thought it was you he took me upstairs and we just kissed, and then Cameron saw and then he-" Camila said before crying heavily

"Camila he What" shawn spoke frantically

"He then kick charlie out of the room and he u-used me"

"Camz, what do you mean"

"He took advantage of my body, he had sex with me without consent." Camila

"Camila I-"

"Everyday since then he has used me, and he told me if I told you he would beat me up so hard that I would be better of dead and he told me he would Kill You right in front of me"

"Why didn't you tell me this"

"Yesterday he locked me in the boys change room and I refused to give him any pleasure and he beat up, this is why my face is like this Shawn. I saw your face everyday and I couldn't handle not telling you"  she fell into her knees Shawn ran over to her

"I'm so sorry"

"Camila I would never let him hurt you"

She looked at him he looked at her

"You should've told me this the minute it happened, I'm sorry for not noticing" Shawn said.

The two just held each other, it felt good to finally be able to tell him everything, she just wasn't ready for what was coming next.

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