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She walked to her friends house. She didn't want to look at Shawn, talk to him, hear his voice, she didn't want to be shown his affection, his love. She didn't deserve what he had to offer, she never did.

She needed time to think. Think about what she has done, doing, and will do about the situation, this time she can't go cry in his arms, have him kiss her to make her feel better, she can't go there to make herself feel better, she was all alone this time.

She didn't want to tell her friends, they would probably let her go, think of her as a disgusting, unworthy, liar. But with all theses emotions bottled up inside it's hard to keep them, she felt like exploding, like a bunch of fireworks that were going off on the 1st of July (A/N: I'm Canadian ok?)

She walked up to her friends house,  well she was more of an aquatints. She needed an escape, even though she couldn't trust her, she needed to get it out of her.

-babe, it's going to rain soon... come home?

She read the notification from Shawn. She cried on the inside, why must he care? Why does he care? Why the fuck does he care? Why does her care, for the lying, cheating, broken girl she thought she was.

She swore she wouldn't hurt him, but here she was breaking him from the closed doors. She felt absolutely horrible but what could she do? She wished she could stop this pretend it never happened, but that was only a fantasy.

She arrived at her friends house, Hailee. They talked, but they never went to each other houses or even hung out. Aquatintists, that's all the two were.

But today she would see, how broken she was, how horrible of a person she was.

-babe answer?? I'm worried, please at least let me know where you are

She just muted his number, so he wouldn't be on her mind

She slowly knocked on the door, and out came a brunette who was in her night clothing, she didn't look like she had woken up.

"Camila?" She ask opening the door signalling for her to come in

"Hey Hailee" I said taking my shoes off

For the duo being just aquatintists, Camila pretended that they were the closest

"Is something wrong"


Tears rolled down the small Latin girls face

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Hailee said putting an arm around Camila pulling her into a hug

"Can I trust you"

Hailee's eyes grew big, she knew the two weren't so close. She didn't know how to respond.

"Hailee, please" a look off plead covered Camila faces

"Yeah" she said in a faint whisper sitting Camila beside her

"I cheated"


"On Shawn, I cheated on him. But I didn't want to, I was forced to"

"Camila, what do you mean?"

"His friend, caught me kissing another guy while I was drunk. He just uses me now, for my body for his pleasure. He threatens to hurt me, and Shawn. I don't know how to stop it, and if I don't listen to him he hurts me"

Camila cried, it felt so good to tell someone.

"What, who is this person"

"Cameron, Dallas" she shivered saying his name

"What the fuck, Camila we could get him arrested"

"I can't"

"What do you mean you can't"

Their voices were getting louder each second

"Shawn will find out, he doesn't know. It will break him Hailee you don't understand"

"I know I may not know what your going through, but Shawn would be more hurt if he knows what your going through an he couldn't help you"

"I would love to tell him, but I'm not ready"

"Camila I-"

"I can't look him in the eyes, I can't tell him what I did I can't go home tonight and see his smile, please let me stay here"

"Okay..." Hailee said

Hailee didn't know what to do, how to solve the situation, but she knew of need to stay at her dorm, then so be it. She will be the friend that Camila needs, not one that she thinks Camila needs

"Thank you" she said

Hailee headed upstairs grabbing Camila blankets and pillows so she could crash on the couch

Text message, after text message she received. She kept on wanting to go back, but she don't have the power to get up.

Where is she?

He had texted her friends, they hadn' seen her.

He tried to get in contact with her, she never answered. She denied his calls, text, emails. Everything was denied.

He worried, he worried so damn much, he cared about her, he knew that she wasn't alone in this horrible world. She deserved better, so much better. Wherever she is

He hoped he was safe

He just needed her to be safe

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