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*The meeting at Sabaody*

"And remember, Luffy! Never get off your cloak, so that nobody recognizes you", Hancock advised him, while waving goodbye. "Oh and, Luffy!"

"Still not gonna marry ya!" he cut her off, smiling and waving goodbye as well.


"Oi you idiot! I told you to go left!" Perona shouted annoyed. "And you said that I should let you find your ship on your own. I'm sure that Mr. 'Never-gets-lost' would've done a great job!"

"Shut up, woman!"


"Robin-san!" Koala cried while hugging her friend close. "I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you too, Koala! I hope we can see each other again someday", the raven haired woman said while responding to the hug. "It's too bad Sabo couldn't come see Luffy", she then added.


"Ahh, real ladies!"

The grass around the blonde cook was already soaking in blood.

"Goodbye, you shitty bastards! I hope to never see you again", he then said sincerely while running off towards a poor lady that was making her way to the grocery.


"Thank you for bringing me here! Don't forget to stay on good terms with the humans!"

Chopper waved goodbye as the huge bird was making it's way back home.


"Straw Hat Luffy is dead? Nonsense! Let the whole world know! He is back, stronger than never!"


"Usopp'n, you've truly become'n a true man. I'm so proud'n of you!"

"Thank you, Heracles, for taking care of me and helping me improve my skills! Well, off I go! I can't wait to see my nakama!"

"I will miss'n you, Usopp'n! *crying manly tears* Good luck'n on your journey!"


"Weatheria will be so lonely without you", the old man said while getting on the ship, getting ready to head back into the sky. "I wish you the best luck and thank you for forgetting about my debts to you", he then added, unimaginably relieved that he didn't have to pay the huge amount of money he initially owed the young navigator.

"Thank you for teaching me all this time. Say goodbye for me to the other oji-sans on the island", Nami said as she walked away. "Oh! And be careful with your wallet. We wouldn't want someone to steal it, would we?"

When poor Haredas realized what she meant, the sly thief was already far away, proud of her little trick.


"Oi, Sunny! It has been a SUUPER long time hasn't it? I'm so glad that you are unharmed, but still, not even a single scratch? I'm sure there were good people guarding you! Now, to add some new weapons and get you ready for the New World!"


Soon after, the crew met at the ship. Everyone was smiling brighter than never, even Zoro, thing that was kinda weird. Even so, the atmosphere didn't change. As soon as Sanji and Zoro saw each other they started fighting, Chopper and Usopp stared amazed at Franky's new body with star shaped eyes, Brook immediately asked Nami to show him her panties so she hit him while Robin was watching the whole show, relived that things were just the same.

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