-There are only three nearby islands in that area so we should start by checking them. Reaching the first island is going to take about two days. How much it'll take to cover it all looking for Nami and Luffy, well that'd be up to us. The distance between the first and the second island should be sailed in three days while the third island is pretty close to the second. It'll take about one day to reach it. If Luffy and Nami are on one of these, it would take at least 3 days to find them, that depending on how efficient we are in checking every island and, of course, if we have the luck to find them on the first one, Robin said while circling with a red pencil the three islands they were sailing to.
-Well then, set sail for the first island! Hancock gave the order and so, the two ships started sailing looking for the two who, despite what everyone thought, were actually enjoying being trapped on an abandoned island.
-It seems that this island is a lot bigger than we initially thought, Nami said as she sat down to rest for a while. When we went on a walk yesterday, I don't think that we even managed to cover the smallest part of this island.
-You're right! We've been walking for some hours now. It must already be time for lunch and I'm hungry, Luffy cried while taking a seat next to Nami.
-Well, it's not like we can do something now. Let's just keep walking and as soon as you see a monster, I'll cook it for you, the orange haired girl smiled while standing up.
-Alright! I'll beat up all the monsters on this island so we can take some with us when we leave this island! I really want to eat them with Sanji's recipes and condiments, Luffy said with star shaped eyes.
-Stop daydreaming, Nami placed a hand on his shoulder. We don't know how far from the others we are so we have no idea how much it would take them to find us. Thinking of Sanji's food right now is nothing but torture.
-But still, I'm hungry! I'll eat anything as long as it fills my stomach, so let's go monster hunting! the raven haired boy said while taking Nami's hand and started walking ahead, full of energy.
There was a loud voice in Nami's head that kept screaming that they should stay on the shore, that they shouldn't be walking around looking for adventure just because her captain would get bored waiting on the beach, that considering how big that island was, even if the others come, they might miss them in all that jungle. But even so, she decided to follow Luffy.
-Know what, Nami? I'm getting a really good feeling about this!
-Hm? What do you mean?
-I don't know. It's just something about this island...
Luffy couldn't find his words but he was so sure that, walking further in the forest, would be the best thing to do, so that's what he did, no hesitation.
Nami's mind cleared up a bit after hearing his words and all her worries perished. When she took Luffy's hand and joined the crew she, without any words, swore to follow him into the depths of hell and to trust his judgment and instincts and in the course of their journey, it has been proven to her multiple times that she wasn't wrong to do it. That's why she decided to let go of all her worries and just enjoy spending time with him for the time being.
-Is that so? she smiled brightly as she made a few bigger steps, this way reaching Luffy's side, the place that she swore to never leave.
-But still, do you think they're fine? Chopper said while slowly eating his lunch.

Two Years Apart | LuNa
FanfictionCOMPLETED The Straw Hats began their two years training that were needed for them to survive the New World. The captain and the navigator, though, caught themselves thinking about each other a lot and they have been consumed by the desire of meeting...