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Nami opened her eyes to a snoring sleeping beauty and she smiled as she felt the heat of his body. Looking outside, she noticed that the storm had stopped. Only a few drops of water were now falling from the sky. The sun was already setting, giving the sky a beautiful shade of red and making the sea glow orange. All she could hear was the sound of the waves as they splashed into the stone wall and the cold wind that was now slowly blowing.

She tried to move into a more comfortable position but she didn't even manage to move a few inches as Luffy had his arms wrapped around her waist multiple times, making it impossible for her to do anything. Some troublesome ability he had at a time like that. She soon gave up on trying to find a better position, so she just relaxed her muscles and let her head fall on Luffy's chest, smiling a bit.

"If only you'd understand these kind of feelings, Luffy", she sighed. Even though she knew that, for Luffy, it was nothing unusual, because he was too stupid and too pure to understand, she was still happy to be in that situation.
Little did she know, Luffy was now wide awake and was blushing when hearing her words.

He might've not fully understand what she meant, but he still had a hunch. He decided not to tell anyone about what happened. He wanted to figure this one out on his own.

His back hurt and all, but he still didn't open his eyes, knowing that if Nami would see he was awake, they would have to leave for the ship. And he didn't want to. He didn't want to let go of her and he thought it was because of the so called love he had for her. He still wasn't too used to that word but he thought it was beautiful and it described very well the way he felt about his navigator so he decided to associate that word with Nami. Nami=love. In his head it was all so simple. He didn't understand why it took so long for the guys to explain it to him. Without realizing, he opened his eyes and looked at Nami who was now watching the sea through the small entrance of the cave, unaware that Luffy was awake, but instantly looked at him when hearing his stomach growl.

"I see you woke up", she greeted him with a warm smile, despite being a little bit disappointed.

"Does that mean we'll have to go back to the ship?" she thought while frowning a little.

"Are you hungry?"


And with that, they remained in a strange, yet comfortable silence, but none of them stood up. None of them wanted to. Luffy rolled on a side, still refusing to let go of Nami. They were now face to face and Luffy felt again the need to kiss her, but this time he restrained himself from the beginning, not wanting the events from that morning to repeat. Instead, he blushed visibly when he thought how it would feel. Kissing her. Nami couldn't help but giggle at his cuteness as she buried her head in his chest and cuddled to defend herself from the cold of the evening.

"I wonder what he's thinking about, blushing and all"

That moment which none of them wanted to end was interrupted by the baby Den Den Mushi in Nami's pocket.

Luffy frowned as he let go of her so she could answer, but she didn't. Not immediately as she, just like Luffy, felt empty now. She took ahold of herself, though, and answered. Usopp was the one talking.

"Oi, are you guys alright?"

"Yeah. We're fine. How're you? Did anyone get hurt? How's the Sunny?"

"Everything's fine here, we found a good place to hide but, damn what huge of a storm that was. We could've all died if it weren't for you, Nami. Anyway, come back at the ship before it gets darker."

"Yes, we're on our way!"

And with that, she hung up and she looked at Luffy who was ready to leave.

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