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Before you start reading, you will have to spend a few seconds of your life to appreciate this so god damn adorable pic. ASL is the most precious thing ever. Ok, go on.


Even though Robin assured them all that those people meant no harm to them, the Straw Hats couldn't help but feel suspicious.

As soon as the strange looking ship reached their location, a tall, blonde guy, jumped on the Thousand Sunny. His hat was covering his eyes, but a huge, warm smile could be seen on his face. While taking his hat off, he wouldn't take his eyes off of the ship's captain.

"It's been so long, Luffy."

"Huh?" Luffy looked at him, puzzled, not remembering who he was. Did he know him? He couldn't stop staring at the guy's hat, though. He knew it very well but he didn't remember who it belonged to.

The blonde man didn't say anything else. He just sat down on the deck, pulled out a bottle of booze and three red cups which he then filled with sake.

"'Did you know?'"he started while looking at Luffy who was about to cry. He himself was hardly holding his tears back. "If we exchange cups of sake, we can become brothers!" He just couldn't stop smiling. He was so happy that his little brother was alive and well.

Luffy sat down in front of the man, with his hat covering his eyes. Sabo was, anyway, able to see a tear wetting the wooden deck.

"I can't believe you", Luffy finally said while looking at Sabo with tears in his eyes. Even so, hope was imprinted all over his face.

"It's me, Luffy. I'm so sorry for all these years."

The whole crew, aside from Robin, was watching, curious.

Luffy, without saying a word, lifted one of the cups and looked Sabo in the eyes. He couldn't hold his tears back and his hand was shaking with emotion. They both drank the sake and spilled the alcohol in the remaining cup in the sea, as a tribute to their other brother. Luffy then turned to Sabo and shouted:

"SABO!!" Stretching his arms, he dragged his bigger brother into a hug. "What the hell? Where have you been all this time? I thought you were dead. You big jerk! We really thought you were dead!" He was crying tears of happiness for the first time in his life.

"Thank you, Luffy! I'm so happy that you are alive." His voice was cracking, tears about to fall from his eyes.

"But, Sabo! I let Ace get killed in front of my own eyes!"

"I know. But even if Ace is dead, I'm so glad that you didn't die. Otherwise, I would've been left on my own."

Poor Sabo could barely breathe because of Luffy's hug.

"So, once again, thank you! Thank you for being alive!"


After a few minutes, when things calmed down a bit, Luffy was still quietly sobbing.

"I still can't believe you're alive *sniff* I'm so happy!"

"You might've gotten stronger in the past few years, but you're still a crybaby", Sabo teased him. Even so, he still couldn't stop smiling. Only poor Koala knew how much he wanted to see Luffy as there wasn't a single damned day she wouldn't have to listen to Sabo's stories about his sweet little brother.

"No I'm not!" Luffy tried and wiped his tears away, but it was no use as new ones kept falling. "I'm just so happy that you're alive!"

"It would be nice if we'd get an explanation, you know?" Zoro interrupted the touching moment.

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