Let us all appreciate
-I see, Sanji said. He had now stopped cooking dinner so he could take part to the conversation. Well, that might actually work seeing how Hancock would do literally anything for Luffy. She might as well fight the marines, despite her position, and let us advance. As expected from my dear Nami-swaan! he then yelled with heart shaped eyes while going back to his steak.
-Y-Yeah, Nami hardly spoke while swallowing air in order to reduce the pressure that felt like it was going to make her head explode. She had a storm of feelings all coming from the one that took over her mind and soul for a while now.
Luffy's hands that had now slipped from her shoulders on her waist, his soft lips that only lightly touched her neck and his slow breathing that tickled the soft skin that kept all those feelings locked inside, all these made the orange haired girl struggle more than never to keep her attention awake and concentrate on what the others were saying.
"God damn it! What's gotten into him doing all these things now of all times? He makes it so hard for me to concentrate." She took a deep breath to keep her senses. "Is he just toying with me? No, he's Luffy. He's far to innocent for these things, so why? Could this be... just the way he feels? Although, this seems just as unbelievable, but still-
Robin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts making her startle in embarrassment.
-Uh, y-yeah, what were you saying?
-We were just about to give you our coordinates, Usopp said.
-Nami, are you feeling alright? You seem kinda off to me, at least, Chopper worryingly asked. Are you sick?
-Uh, no. I'm fine, she giggled. It's just that, a night spent out in cold and on the sand made me tired, I guess, she tried to cover up for herself, laughing awkwardly.
-Say, Sanji! Luffy grinned widely. I found on this island some huge beasts that taste awesome! I'll hunt down plenty until you guys get here so you could cook them all, he then laughed.
He could feel Nami's heart now, as his head was back to resting on her chest. He smiled innocently when realizing that her heartbeat didn't seem any different to him, as it matched his racing heart.
-Well, Sabo! What do you think about those two? Koala excitingly asked the blonde man.
They had already given the order and were now making preparations so the ships could leave as soon as they receive the coordinates.
-Aren't they cute? she then giggled. When I first met them, I didn't think Luffy could be cuter, that until I saw him acting around Nami. I barely held back from hugging them when seeing just how in love they both are! Did you notice that Luffy never let go of Nami's hand even after he convinced her not to leave the table?How can they be so cute I wanna squish them to bits!
-How are you more excited than I am? Sabo laughed while watching his friend fangirling over his little brother and he giggled when seeing her smile like that.
-But they're so precious! I ship them!
-I know, I know, Sabo smiled while tapping her head. Oh, that's right! Tell the cook to start making dinner.
-Already? But it's only 6 p.m., the orange haired girl asked while checking her pocket watch.
-Don't you underestimate Luffy's appetite, the blonde man laughed.

Two Years Apart | LuNa
FanfictionCOMPLETED The Straw Hats began their two years training that were needed for them to survive the New World. The captain and the navigator, though, caught themselves thinking about each other a lot and they have been consumed by the desire of meeting...