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This fact is so damn cute and I just felt like I needed to share it with you guys.


-I can't believe I'll get to see Sabo again so soon! Isn't this great, Nami?! Just how lucky can we get?! I told you that something good was gonna happen on this island! And now we can even contact the others and tell them exactly where we are! But first I'm gonna see Sabo! Then have a meal! And then we call the others! Luffy wouldn't shut up ever since they found out where they ended up, making Nami smile at his excitement. Wait a second there! he gasped, looking like he just discovered time travel. Does this mean I'm gonna finally meet my dad? He was the leader of this army wasn't he?! Man I'm so excited! Actually, I met him once but I didn't even know who he was back at that time and I didn't even get to see his face. It was when I first met Smokey too! Say, Koala! Can I see him?! Luffy finally stopped with his blabbering and looked at the orange haired girl, waiting for an answer.

-I'm so sorry, Luffy, but Dragon-san isn't here and he'll be gone for about two more weeks, Koala said while opening a door leading to the stairs. But still, I can't believe I got to see you in person! she then smiled. Sabo talked so much about you the past two years, since his memory came back, that I feel like I've known you for a life!

Of course he's been mentioning both Luffy and Ace every time he had the chance to, but Koala didn't want to bring their deceased brother into that conversation, especially when seeing Luffy so happy.

-This is it, she said while stopping in front of a double, wooden door. Let me just see if he's busy-

-Yo, Sabo! Luffy happily yelled after opening the door, not paying attention to poor Koala.

The blonde man took his head out of his papers and smiled so bright at the sight of his little brother that Koala thought, she'd never seen him that happy before.

Luffy already shortened the distance between them and and wrapped his hands around his brother with a huge grin on his face.

-I'm so glad to see you, Sabo laughed while responding to the warm hug.

Nami was smiling while tears formed in the corner of her eyes. She wiped them away before anyone could see and giggled for herself. Watching those two reminded her of Nojiko and Bellmere, thing that brought back vivid memories making her heart soak in nostalgia.

-Oi, Sabo! This looks just like our tree fort! Luffy pointed out with a weird look on his face. It could've been nostalgia. It could've been saddens or joy. Or maybe all of those. You couldn't tell.

-Yeah, Koala smiled. He arranged his office like this from the first, but he always said that he felt like something was missing. As soon as he got his memory back, he hung those on the wall, she said while pointing at the three red cups.

-Those huh? Luffy said with a small smile, remaining quiet for a few seconds, before he started shouting. AYNWAY, LET'S EAT!


-Say, Luffy! How did you get here? Sabo asked as they made their way to the kitchen.

-Huh? Oh, I feel into the water during a huge storm and Nami jumped after me but we were taken away by the currents and drifted to this island! he laughed. Those moments when they almost died seemed funny to him now.

-You dumbass! Nami yelled while hitting him. We almost died you know? We were so lucky that we drifted to this island! Our chances of survival were so slight that it seems unreal that we're still alive! Don't talk like it's nothing! she said without knowing how much Luffy struggled to keep the both of them to the surface. He didn't allow himself to close his eyes before he felt the sand tickling his toes. Not like it mattered to him, anyway. All he cared about in that moment was the food that was waiting for him in the kitchen.

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