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Luffy smiled at the sight of the orange haired girl quietly sleeping in his arms as the moonlight nicely touched her white skin making her look like some princess from fairy tales. For some reason, he couldn't close an eye ever since they got in bed. Might've been because of his pounding heart that seemed louder than an explosion in the night's silence. Might've been because of the thousands of thoughts that wouldn't leave his mind. Anyway it was, he was, strangely, enjoying not being able to sleep. That way, he could enjoy having her in his arms at its fullest. He never really thought about it before, but ever since he started figuring out these feelings, he reached the conclusion that this love, beautiful as it was, was a pain in the ass. Well, if anything, he was happy that Nami was the one who he fell for, if falling in love was really necessary, as some would say. At that very moment, a painful thought crossed his mind and he felt like it cut trough his heart and brain.

"I wonder, did Ace ever fall for someone? Did he... even have the time to?" The thought of his lost brother would always occupy his mind and, as much as he tried not to, he would always fall into a bad mood for the day.

Tightening the grip around Nami, he forced those thoughts away. The past was in the past and he knew he couldn't live the rest of his life constantly grieving the loss of his brother. He the thought that he, after he'd become the Pirate King, had to go with Sabo visit Ace's grave. For that reason, he became even more eager to find the One Piece.

He looked again at the orange haired girl sleeping in his arms and placed a light kiss on her forehead while whispering those words he hoped he could say to her some day:

-I love you.


The next morning, Nami was the first one to wake up as it took some time for Luffy to fall asleep, so it was natural for him to wake up late. Nami could tell that it was still early in the morning as there was only one ray of sun that hardly pierced through the forest surrounding them and entered the room they were in, while nicely making Luffy's sleeping face shine. She smiled at the sight of her captain slowly breathing with a small smile on his face. She wondered what could he be dreaming about. Lifting one hand up, she crossed her fingers with the pitch black hair that made such a beautiful contrast with his white skin. Lowering her arm a little, she placed her fingers on the small scar under his left eye. That scar has always been a mystery to her as Luffy almost never talked about his past and, truth be told, she had never even asked him about that scar. She always thought of it as an attractive aspect about Luffy and she also considered that if she ever found out where he got it, it would loose its charm.

Luffy slowly opened his eyes and his heart started beating as if he had just run 10 kilometers when seeing Nami's face so close to his and when he felt her hand on his face. The orange haired girl quickly took her hand off of his face and blushed in embarrassment but smiled when the raven haired boy took her hand and placed it back on his cheek.

"Huh? Luffy's hand... it's so... warm" was the only thought that crossed her mind at that time. She was surprised to realize it just then, but for a guy that can easily break walls of stone with his fists, he had, oh, such gentle hands.

They were again too close and the desire of kissing each other that both tried to oppress only grew stronger with every second that passed. After they were about to kiss just the day before, they both tried to create some distance between them and yet they were brought back together like two strong magnets. And yet again the, anyway small, distance between their lips was closing, while their hearts felt like bursting out of their chests. They were now so close that only millimeters separated them. Nami froze once again and closed her eyes, waiting to feel Luffy's lips touch hers. In her mind, she was scolding herself for not doing anything to stop him, but she knew very well how much she, too, wished for it to happen. She didn't want to stop him. But the kiss never happened. Instead, Luffy placed a light, so sweet, kiss on her nose and grinned when she opened her eyes, confused, but with her heart filled with the nicest feeling ever. That gesture the raven haired boy just made, filled her heart with so much warmth that she couldn't, and didn't even try to fight the impulse of hugging him close, putting all of the strength she had in tightening the grip around him. She was blushing while giggling as her captain buried his head in her neck and ticked her soft skin with his nose. She loved him. She loved him so much and she wanted him to know. She really wanted him to know. Was it alright if she told him then?

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