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Bartolomeo was jumping up and down ever since they left his ship and he wouldn't shut his mouth while tears of happiness kept rolling down his cheeks.

"Do I really deserve this? Is this even real? For all I know, I could be sleeping and all this would just be the most beautiful dream I've ever had! Am I really going to board on Thousand Sunny and meet all of the people I admire?"

He had stars in his eyes and Brook was wondering if he had some water left in his body after crying so much.

Nami was still lost in thought and didn't say a word since she ended her call with Luffy.

"Yeah. We just met some interesting people."

"Huh? Who are they? Luffy asked curious."

"You'll see soon enough", Nami smiled, then continued. "I'll bring them to the Sunny."

"So you're coming back now? His voice was full of hope. I miss you ya know?"

Nami froze for a moment. That was so unusual. Luffy would be thrilled at the thought of meeting new people but he didn't say anything this time. Instead, he said he missed her? When they've already seen each other only a few hours before. She couldn't deny the fact that she was happy knowing that Luffy really was thinking about her, but it was still weird.

"Boss! They really talk like a couple! We were right after all!"

"Yes!" Bartolomeo agreed, while shedding tears of happiness. "There's no doubt about it! They love each other!" he then said, making Nami's cheeks catch an even darker shade of red.

"Hm? What's that? What are they talking about?"

Luffy on the other hand, had no clue. Innocent as he was, he couldn't understand what they were talking about and Nami thought it was best that way.

"It's nothing! I'll see you at the Sunny!" she said in a hurry then hung up.

"Nami-san?" Brook snapped her out of her thoughts. "Is there something wrong? You seem troubled by something ever since we left Bartolomeo-san's ship."

"Huh? Oh I'm fine! Don't worry. I'm just a little tired seeing as I haven't slept all night long. Also we left the ship in the morning. It's already 4 pm now and all we did was walk", she smiled, hiding the real reason that was behind her bad mood.

"Then you should get a good rest once we get to the ship."

Even though Brook didn't insist, he wasn't sure about what Nami said. There was clearly something wrong and, not knowing why, he thought it was because what Bartolomeo and the rest of his crew said about her and Luffy. Did it bother her? Did it make her mad? Did it make her happy? Or maybe it made her confused? He didn't know. Even so, he decided to leave things be, thinking it was the best for her.

"How am I even supposed to tell him what's wrong? Oh, you know, it's just that I'm madly in love with our captain so when someone said that we looked like a couple it made me really happy but knowing it won't ever happen made me feel all gloomy and shit. Yeah sure" Nami thought, somehow pissed because she didn't even know what was truly bothering her.

"Is that how people see me and Luffy from the outside? Like a couple?" Her anger grew with every thought that crossed her mind. She was pissed, not because Bartolomeo thought she was dating Luffy 'cause, oh god, how she wished that happened, but because they were all making her hope for things that she knew would never happen. Luffy was too innocent and too pure to even know what love is so she knew there was no way he would have feelings like these, especially towards her. She didn't want him to change. Not at all. She loved him for who he was and that included his innocence, but she, in the least bit, wished people wouldn't encourage her to hope that she'd ever end up with Luffy.

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