Chapter VIII

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(Jaiden's POV)
Shawn came to my house to pick me up, I was opening the door and I was struggling with my things since I had a lot of stuff to carry and of course...I had crutches so I couldn't seem to find my way.

Shawn saw me and immediately,got out of the car to help me, we got in the car, and honestly I thought Benito came with Shawn. " hey doesn't Benito go with you to class?" I asked him trying to look like if I wasn't interested at all "No, he has his own car, so we drive separately." He replied to me, and I was kind of disappointed, because I was kind of expecting him to be in the car with Shawn.

But then I remember he told something last night, something that couldn't be said through message or call so I asked "so, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

The minute I asked the question it seemed like Shawn had seen a ghost, his eyes widened up and he looked frightened "oh...yeah...the thing...I wanted to tell " he was rambling his words a lot so I could barely understand what he was saying.

"Shawn are you okay?"'I asked with a concerned look,cause he didn't look well, he was so nervous and he started to sweat as if he had just ran 30 miles  and the AC was on so I didn't understand how that happened. " Shawn you need to calm down, and breathe, it seems that you are dying" I said again.

"YEAH, NO...IM OKAY" he replied almost screaming and that was when I started to get scared "sorry!.. I didn't mean to scare you" he took a deep breath, " what I wanted to tell you is sorry for your leg  I was the one that put you like that and I'm sorry"'he said with a sad look

"Shawn, I already told you, don't apologize for it, i t wasn't your fault okay? I really need you to stop apologizing," he did all of that for an apology? I asked myself " yes, I just felt the need to said it one more time" he said again with a smile, "okay, but IF YOU APOLOGIZE ONE MORE TIME MENDES I SWEAR  I-" " Geez, calm down, I promise I won't" he said putting his arms up in surrender.

I laughed, he starts the car asking me if I could connect the aux to listen to some music, so I do what he says and play my all time favorite song *Mama*, so we start jamming to the song and screaming the lyrics.

We arrive to school, he parks the car and turns it off, he gets out of the car and opens the door for me so I can get out. "Be careful" he says , "Shawn don't worry so much about it, I'm fine I just need a little help with my books and stuff but I'm fine." I say looking at him and rolling my eyes.

The bell rang and we had first period  together, biology , so we walk into the classroom , and. I was kind of excited to see Benito, because he is Shawns  brother I was hoping they would talk during school so he could notice me.

We sat down and after a while he came in, my heart started beating faster trying to contain a smile. The class began and it was boring as hell, so I decided  to continue my drawings when I hear someone call my name " miss Parker? Can you please tell me the answer?" The teacher said

I had no idea of what they were talking about because I wasn't paying attention so "" the whole class was staring at me and I fell my face burning supposing I was turning red. " I don't know the answer" I finally said with so much embarrassment.

I look down in shame, this was awful, in the meanwhile Shawn was laughing his ass off " what?!" I said almost yelling at  him still feeling my face burn "nothing just that you didn't realize they were talking to you" he said laughing "that's what you get for not paying attention" he said mocking me " shut up!" I say rolling my eyes. But I was so embarrassed specially because it was in front of Benito
After class we went outside for brunch and Benito came behind Shawn and I " hey guys do you think I can hang out with you for today?" He says in this beautiful sexy male voice of his " uh..yeah, sure " Shawn says kind of disgusted.

" I'm going to go grab something to eat, Benito do you think you can stay with her please? Do you want anything?" My heart flipped around as Shawn said that, Benito was staying with me! " can you just grab a slice of pizza for me?" Benito said to Shawn, as he turned to me " do you want anything Jaiden?" " oh.. just some orange juice please" I said with a smile

As I watched Shawn walked away my heart started beating faster . " so Jaiden is it ? "Benito asks me " YES!" I replied in a really creepy tone that even I realized, "wow,okay " he said in a scared tone, oh great i fucked up I said to myself "sorry, yes I'm Jaiden" I rephrased that .

"So how did you break your ankle ?" He asked me " long story" I reply with a sigh "oh.. okay well then how did you get to this school?" He asked me, I seriously couldn't believe I was actually talking to Benito , " well my family moves a lot but apparently this is were I'm staying at least for a long period of time" I said, explaining basically my life story

" well that's cool, I hope you stay here too" he said with a slight smile on his face and that's when my heart started racing. " thanks" I replied with a huge smile and shaky voice, and I'm pretty sure he could tell that I was super nervous because of the way he was looking at me

"So I see you're popular around here, have you been here long?" I asked him " yeah, I have been here since freshmen year , so I have quite a lot of time and the popularity well I mean look at me" he said it as a joke but obviously it wasn't a joke, cause he was freaking handsome.

I laughed at his comment when I turn around and see Shawn coming this way, with a slice of pizza, a muffin, and an orange juice .

He gave us out things " so, what did I miss?" He asked with a smile

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