Ch.1 Back to Reality

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"Sam I tell you all the time he needs someone in his life! He can't just go around moping and doing his little business job. Come on now," Stella told her.

"I know, but hey look I gotta go. Whatever happened to you and him, things never worked out huh?" She asked her. "No unfortunately not, he was just too in to himself I don't know." She laughed as she told her. They are both talking about Micheal Daimler. Sam is his sister and Stella was his short term girlfriend. The girls became good friends when they were introduced with Micheal. Stella didn't have much luck with Micheal, but they still remain friends.

        "Well I'll talk to you later," Sam told Stella. Stella hung up the phone and went back to working. She was a receptionist at a car dealership, it made ends meat but it wasn't a problem for her. She was a very bubbly person and great with people. The door ringed open and in walked a gentleman.

        "Hi welcome to Nors' Open Doors for Your Affordable Fours Doors, how may I help you?" she asked him while looking down and filling out paperwork.

        This was a daily thing she has to say each time someone walked into the dealership. But luckily the name had a nice ring to it, and she never got tired of it. She could hear his clicking of his shoes and smell his light cologne lingering around him. Stella was not too fond of men's cologne, but she recognized this smell. It was Micheal; who's cologne she loved dearly and never forgot it.

       "Micheal... what a surprise seeing you here," she told him still looking down. "Well I just dropped by to say hi, hadn't seen you in a while," Micheal said leaning on the counter in front of her. He would fly
back and forth to Chico for business meetings. Which he didn't mind, it was a break from the small town.

       Stella looked up finishing a sentence and glanced directly at his hair. Micheal's black hair was slightly parted to the side and smoothed over with hair gel. He used the same hair gel all the time, she would know since they dated for over 2 years. Stella got lost in his face, smooth light fair skin. Not even a slight pasty in a anyway; clean cut black suit and shiny black shoes she heard form when he walked in. Stella swiped her hair behind her earbstill looking up at him not saying a word.

       Um... Stella. Woohoo!" Micheal said whistling and snapping is finger in her face. She quickly snapped out of it.

       "Sorry...sorry, what are you doing here again," she asked once more. He has this big grin across his face and resting his chin on his hand. She could tell that he was happy to see her, but for what reason.

        "For one Stella, I've already told you why I'm here, and second you haven't changed one bit," Micheal said trying to flirt lightly with her. Things weren't ever bad between them. They just decided one day to take a break, and it ended up being a break up.

       Stella tried not to blush and went back to filling out the files. And suddenly stopped, realizing that Micheal was still standing there. "May I ask why you're still here. I have other work to attend to, this just doesn't seem right...?" She told him. "I see you haven't changed that attitude of yours," he chuckled.

        "Ok Stell, what doesn't seem right? That I'm here 2 years later still hitting on you. Or that I still haven't been with anyone since we broke up?" Micheal told her. He could see that he was making her laugh and smile; he always found the way to her humor.

        "Just shoo shoo! I'll talk to you later!" she said waving her hand in front of his face. She could smell the coffee on his breath, and it reminded her of how he would drink it every morning.

"What, and let me outside to the freezing cold. Wow that's real low Stell!" he said teasing her.

"Hey that is not my intention just shut up and leave!" she smiled.
"Alright alright, fine. I'll be seeing you around Stella Bornum," he said as he backed away from the counter putting his hand up.

        Micheal walked to the door backwards while still looking at her. She looked up and waved while still filling out the paperwork. He winked and walked out into the freezing cold.

        She finished her paperwork at the front desk and finished all her work for the day. And headed home. She walked outside to her blue foor door Volkswagen. There was footprints trailing behind her in the deep thick snow. Sometimes Stella hates the snow but, she's been with it since 5, when her dad moved here. Her mom had moved away when she was 13 and never came back, so she was a strong woman in terms of abandonment.

Tell me what you think and any comments.
This story is set in the late 80's in a small town in Oregon!!!🗻

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