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*Micheal's POV*

        It was nice seeing Stella yesterday, I hadn't seen her in a while. Missing her smile and those dimples I love so much every time she crossed my mind.

        Coming back to the car dealership it was no surprise, I knew she would still be working there. Stella is a hard worker and loyal person. I was grateful with the time I had with her. She was perfect !

        The dimples, the glowing smile, hilarious laugh, understanding humor, grandma fashion that I really didn't car about. She always encouraged me that her style was comfortable and she didn't care what anyone thought. But occasionally she wore something a little bit more for her age!

        After I had visited her I was on my way to the business firm. Brothers Share Firm was my home, I had worked there for 4 years. First as an intern, because I was so fascinated with the business world.
My boss Mr. Fineman was a good mentor, he gave me a lot of tips and a lot questions to always ask someone.

        Walking into the firm at the front desk was Miriam the receptionist. She occasionally made reminders for me and calendar events. Miriam was a very nice person and kind hearted.

        "Miriam how are you today?" I asked stopping. "Fine sir, a fresh cup of coffee is waiting for you in the lounge!" She told me. She knew I loved some nice coffee in the morning as well as a good danish.

        Inside the lounge was my good friend Hank, he has also been with the firm since last year. He did amazing work around the office, and had a very confident personality. "Frank!" I shouted at him giving him a firm hand shake and a hug. We both sat down at the brown table where fruit and a coffee pot sit before us. "How did it go with your girl?" he asked me. "It went ok... same old, same old," I told him with no excitement, and it was the truth. I had about 15 minutes before the morning meeting started, so I had time. Frank shrugged and we both grabbed a pot of coffee. He added sugar and creamer, but I liked the dark bitter taste.

        The morning meeting passed and I was in my office working away. I kept glancing at the phone wanting to call Stella but I just couldn't bare it. I kept thinking about her ever since we broke up. Even more when I had go back to my business trips to Chico. Everything about Stella was unforgettable, but I had other thoughts of other women. Unfortunately I never pursued any of them, being scared that I was too rusty.

        I said what the heck and called Stella. The phone rang and rang and rang and rang! Then finally the voicemail came on and I left a message. When we were together she never answered the phone. She used to tell me only if she thought it would bring her happiness, or positivity. It rolled around 5:40 and it was time for me to go home.
Everyday, five days a week I followed this same routine. And I was used to it, just like I had to get used to Stella not being in my life.

When I arrived home the door was slightly open in my apartment complex. The door was never opened and I only have one key...

"Hello...! Anyone there?" I said bravely before I entered. I opened the door fully and there standing was a woman standing in black lingerie, blond hair. She was bending over leaning on my counter leaning her back towards me. I slowly set my bag down and took off my coat. Not one time did she move or flinch, or even noticed I had came in.

"Miss? Excuse me, what are you doing in my house," I asked her. As I was walking around her to see her face she looked so familiar. She has this soft smile and button nose. It was like I had seen her in a dream, but the dream was set in reality. She stared at me smiling and giggling. The woman kind of freaked me out, considering on how she got in. She was twisting pink gum in her teeth with her fingers. I didn't know what to say, she was just a strong presence in the room. Her blue eyes stood out the most, lighting up her smile. With short cute bangs just covering them a little.

Finally, she slowly stuck the gum to the counter and walked towards me to the other side. When she reached me she bent down, and pulled out a rose from the bottom of my slacks. It was the weirdest sensation. A shiver went down my back, because I didn't know if this woman wanted to hurt me. She then grabbed my hand and placed the freshly cut rose in it. Smushing the rose in my hand I began to bleed from the thorns. The strange woman licked the blood off and whispered into my ear, "7...8...9...... is my home forever and ever."

Then she backed up and walked out of the apartment swaying her hips back and forth. I was stiff as a board and couldn't move one bit, it was the most terrifying experience ever. Even though I had a feeling she wasn't going to harm me, like she was an old friend. That's when I decided to call Stella...

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