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        Stella pulled her medium brown hair up in a messy bun. She liked it that way because it was most comfortable. Plus it showed her beautiful gold necklace that said young and beautiful. Her dad had given it to her on her 18th birthday.

        Walking into the kitchen she grabbed a handful of envelopes and began shuffling threw them.

        "Bills, bills, bills... ah," she said smiling. It was a letter from her sister in Arkansas. Her name was Bella, she had made the long move because her husband was in the war.

        It read:
Dear My Stell,
        The kids and I have missed you, all we wanna do is come see you. But Steven is still deployed at the moment. It's been hard for us, but we always get through it. We're planning to come down for Christmas so we can have our dinner. We haven't had one since Mom left, let's try and bring that tradition back please...! Give Dad a kiss for me and the boys, and Abigail.
                   Love, Bellie   

        She hugged the envelope, and for sure was giving that kiss to Dad for them.

        The sun was setting and Stella was making a little dinner. She was at the stove making some tomato soup. Grabbing the parsley and salt and pepper, she put dashes of them in the pot and stirred. Berkeley meowed and hopped up on the counter.

        "Shoo shoo shoo! Off!" scolding the cat off. Of course Berkeley really didn't give a crap. Stella turned the stove off and poured her a bowl and sat down. The soup was very hot so she took slow slurps, and eventually ate the whole thing.

        She headed to the bathroom in search of her robe after getting out of the shower. Soon enough there was her satin black robe. She entered the living room and glanced at the clock. It was 7:38, which really didn't matter to her. She usually went to bed at 9 and wakes up at 6:50

Knock Knock!

         Jumping up from the couch, she quickly tied her robe around her waist and covered herself. Who could this be as she thought.

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