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*Stella's POV*

"Micheal, wake up," I tried to say to him.

He came to and gave me the oddest look. I had seen he had a cut on his face, but it was a tiny one. He looked very confused and I too knew he saw the red smoke too. Micheal rose up and blinked a few times, and the room was still a little foggy. There still was his eery presence in the room, like we were being watched.

"Micheal, are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm fine, did you see-," he started.

"What you saw? Yes I did." I interrupted. "There was a man in a black hat, whispering things into my ear. And calling me these odd names..." I went on. I then noticed Micheal was staring off into to space staring at the record. He then rose his arm and point at my old record player.

I had got it from my great great grandmother last year, my father had given it to me. It means a lot, considering it's so old and vintage. I was guessing that all that red smoke was coming from the Julie London record.

"We need to get rid of that record. It's....its...," he started saying while stuttering. He pointer finger was also shaking.

"It's what!!?? WHAT could you possibly be talking about?" I shouted at him throwing my hands all up in the ear. This made absolutely no sense, it was like Mike was put under a trance. I snapped my fingers in his face and he didn't flinch or move, just kept staring.

I started muttering to myself and pacing around the room. The day was just very odd in general... and adding all this was just like my brain was about to explode.

"Stella we have to leave," he told me stumbling towards the door.

"No, you are sitting down because you don't look so good," I said pulling him back towards the couch.

Then the record began to play and we both turned out heads. The song began and it started skipping uncontrollably. We both looked at each other.

Micheal mouthed the words to me, "Don't move!" Chills ran down my body as he said them. My hand starting moving towards his so I could grab him and run. But there was nothing to run from, I had no idea what he was talking about. I tried to slowly look around the room and saw a Berkeley.

But a blonde woman was holding him, stroking his head. I felt the grasp of Mike's hand gripping mines tightly. All she was doing was holding him, but she had this sinister look on her face. I looked back at Mike and he has this dreadful look on his face, like he had seen a ghost.

"Stella what ever you do..., don't go near Berkeley...please," he said behind me. I wanted to help my cat but he didn't seem to be hurt.

"But Micheal, who is that woman?" I asked whispering. I was trying not to let her hear our conversation but I knew she could. The eery presence was still there, in fact it was stronger.

"She's dangerous," he said pulling me back towards him. "She wants something from me but I don't know what."

"Is she a ghost? What I'm so confused...?"

"No, she's like a dark entity, I've seen her in my apartment before," he explained to me. So this woman has made a couple of appearances, it's like she's following Mike.

"We don't what this woman is capable of. Why is she following you?" I asked. He completely ignored my question and looked at the blonde. She wasn't even looking at me, in fact she was looking at Micheal.

"Why do you want from me?" he asked her walking in front of me. He kind of hesitated before her because of her dark aura that you could feel.

The blonde just looked at him smiling, then looked at me and gave me the nastiest look.

"Don't play games...Bobby," she said whispering to Mike. Like he could here her, which surprisingly he could, even though she was across the room.

Micheal walked off towards her and gave her the most concerned look. I tried to pull him back but he kept walking. Why was this woman calling him Bobby, and what was her name?

"I don't wanna hurt you... I just...," he started.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" she screamed at him. The room went black and everything faded, but this time there was blue smoke. I could see Micheal trying to reach me before I fell, but it was too late....

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