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Opening the door there stood a probably 5'7 with thick brimmed black glasses. Stella was peeping her head from around the door and had recognized him. It was the guy he had seen using the crosswalk around the corner. She quickly opened the door all the way, revealing her full body. Quickly fixing her hair and giving him the biggest smile, trying to make a good impression.

"Hi are you Ms. Bornum?" the brown haired young man asked.

"Yes I'm Ms. Bornum, how can I help you?" she said trying not to sound too eager. And trying not bite her lip.

"Well sorry to bother you-," he tried saying but Stella soon interrupted him. "Oh you're fine, I was just reading..., not that you care or anything," she said. Trailing off into her own rant, she began talking off his ear and not hearing what he had to say. She was using these big hand gestures and gesturing to the back of her and looking around.

The guy was blushing and was listening to her whole rant. He didn't care and kind of liked watching her talk. "Ms. Bornum! Ms.Bornum!" he said trying to regain her focus, while she was still rambling about nothing.

"Oh yes what do you need again! I'm sorry, sorry..," Stella said looking back into his tan brown eyes. "I'm here to give you a package from the office. They left you a message on your phone, so I thought I would just bring it to you," he told her.

"Wow that's very sweet of you, thanks," she said grabbing the package from his hands. He nodded in agreement and smiled. "Well I'll be on my way then," he said waving goodbye. He began to trek his way through the snow with his messenger bag.

"Wait! Wait! I didn't get your name," she shouted after him. She quickly hurried off to the steps trying not to get in the snow. He turned and looked back at her in her black satin robe, with her white slippers inches away from the snow. He thought she of looked kind of silly but he laughed.

"It's John," he chuckled. He saw Stella's smile and smiled back at her. He did a final wave and made his way to his car.

"Bye!" Stella waved to him. She looked down and saw she was now in the snow. She felt so stupid and looked like a hot mess. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!" She said while hitting herself, and heading back inside with the package.

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