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*Stella's POV*

As I dodge along the snow filled road there was also leaves falling. Houses passing by and I could smell the crisp air outside. I had loved this small town I live in. It brings back memories of my childhood. Making snow angels and dancing in my room, listening to Frank Sinatra and other favorite artists.

I came to a stop light and saw a man using the crosswalk. He had dark brown hair and the cutest glasses.

I had a habit of instantly looking at a man and thinking he's the most beautiful thing...

All I wanted to do was find someone and settle down. I was ready for someone new, and sometimes I would still think to myself that I'm not over Micheal. He was just so charming when I first met him. Looking down at my nails I drifted off into my own thoughts, of me getting married and other things. But I don't think that's gonna happen for me. It was nice to see Micheal again, his smile always gave me the warmest thoughts!

The horns beeping reminded me of my annoying alarm at home...

Then I quickly noticed they were all beeping at me! I turned and waved behind me saying, "Sorry!" I always did that on accident. Making a right turn on Acorn Rd I arrived to my house all the way at the end.

My home was my safety and my comfort zone, surprisingly I never liked to venture out. I like to have people come over and share my space with them. It was my way of letting them in.

Turning the car off and grabbing my things I made my way up the drive way. Trying to maneuver my way threw the snow. My cat Berkeley was sitting on the porch waiting like he always did. He was a brown and black cat, which was my favorite. He was my little child I had, waiting for me to get home everyday.

Berkeley scampered off as I walked up the porch steps. Under him was a red perfectly cut rose, and a note. It said:
Just dropping by... -Micheal

I smiled at it; Micheal was always doing little things like that. The rose smelt of embers and my cat. I giggled at the smell and walked inside.

The warm heater that was in my living room was spreading all threw my house. I took my coat off and swung my bag over and onto the couch. My white answering machine was blinking so I pressed the button.
Answering Machine:
Beep-Hey it's Michea- I mean,... huh nevermind. I wanted for you to guess who it was, but obviously you now who it is now. Anyways call me later when you get this. And I really mean later- Beep

Beep- Stella...? When are you coming back, I need to see you, or call you of something I don't- Beep

Beep- Hello? Ms. Bornum you have a package waiting for you here at the office, come swing by- Beep

Wow I thought to myself! That was a lot of messages even for me.

Tell me if you like this story so far, don't know where I'm going with it yet?!?🌚

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